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Woman Who Claimed Brutality Over ‘Nothing’ Is Indicted On 5 Charges


Wildwood, NJ – A woman seen in a viral video as she fought and spit on Wildwood police officers during an arrest at a local beach on Memorial Day weekend has been charged with two counts of aggravated assault on a police officer.

A Cape May County grand jury also indicted Emily Weinman, who is now 21 years old, on charges of throwing bodily fluids, obstruction, and resisting arrest, the Associated Press reported.

A bystander’s cell phone footage of Weinman’s arrest quickly went viral, and showed one officer as he hit the combative woman during the altercation.

The officers involved in the entitled woman’s arrest were cleared of wrongdoing by Cape May County prosecutor Jeffrey Sutherland on June 5, NJ.com reported.

Weinman was offered a plea agreement, but turned it down in July, according to the Associated Press.

The incident occurred at approximately 4 p.m. on May 26, when Wildwood police encountered Weinman at the beach with her boyfriend and 18-month-old daughter.

The officers noted that Weinman and her boyfriend were in possession of alcohol, and asked them how old they were.

In a since-deleted Facebook post, Weinman explained that although she was underage, 90 percent of people who drink alcohol on the beach are underage “without a doubt.”

When the officers asked for their ages, she admitted they were underage, bodycam footage showed.

She claimed that the alcohol belonged to her aunt, so the officer asked her to contact her to have her come to their location.

Weinman grabbed her cell phone, then wandered away from the officers.

“Go grab her real quick,” one officer told his partner. “We’re gonna have them pour that all out.”

In her post, Weinman claimed that the officer was going to let her off with a warning, but that he changed his mind after she told him he needed to find “something better to do” than to address underage drinking on the beach.

Weinman argued that “you’re allowed to carry alcohol,” even when underage, and claimed she had done nothing wrong, because she hadn’t consumed any, the video showed.

The officer explained that possession of alcohol was still a violation, despite Weinman’s beliefs to the contrary.

When the officers asked Weinman and her boyfriend for their identifying information, she became argumentative, and refused to cooperate.

Weinman said that she “did not do anything wrong,” so she refused to give the officer her name because “anything could’ve been written down on that paper,” according to her Facebook post.

“You’ll lock me up for obstruction with my f–king 18-month-old daughter over there?” she asked an officer at one point in the video.

Despite being given multiple additional opportunities to provide officers with her name, Weinman continued to argue and kicked one of the officers before she began to leave the area, according to police.

“Okay, that’s it. I’m done with you,” the officer said, grabbing a pair of handcuffs from his partner. “Come here.”

“Don’t you f–king touch me!” Weinman turned around and yelled, before she resumed her march away from the pursuing officer.

“You’re about to get dropped,” he cautioned her.

“Yo! Don’t f–king cuff me!” Weinman yelled.

According to Wildwood Police Chief Robert Regalbuto, Weinman “forcibly struck” the officer in the torso, which caused his camera to turn off, NJ.com reported.

You can see the camera going off at the moment of impact.

That’s when Weinman said she backed up and “tripped and fell.” After tripping and falling, she claimed the officer somehow tackled her to the ground and “smashed my head in the sand.”

“At that point I blacked out and fought any way possible trying to get up and push him off me,” Weinman posted.

The fight between the officer and Weinman was underway when the officer managed to reactivate his bodycam.

As they tumbled onto the sand, Weinman hurled expletives at the officer, and continued to resist arrest, the video showed.

“They’re choking me!” she began to scream, while beachgoers looked on. “You f–king d-ck head! Get the f–k off me, yo!”

The officer delivered several strikes to subdue the combative woman, who began wailing and screaming for her boyfriend.

“You’re not allowed to beat me like that!” she complained in the video. “I’m a woman!”

“Get off me! My daughter is right there seeing this!” Weinman continued, while the officers secured her in handcuffs.

Weinman turned her head, and spit at one of the officers during the scuffle before she was led away to a waiting patrol vehicle.

“I can say if I took even a sip, then I would’ve gave them my information and called it a day; I’m underage, so I know better” Weinman wrote in her Facebook post. “But this whole situation was handled wrongly and blew out of proportion all because these pigs didn’t do their jobs the way they were TRAINED to do so.”

In the past, Weinman’s attorney, Stephen Dicht, argued that she was the victim of excessive force, and that the altercation left her with injuries, depression, and made her a “prisoner in her home,” NJ.com reported.

The bodycam video is located HERE.

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