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VIDEO: Would-Be Cop-Killer Gets Destroyed After Drawing On Deputies


Douglas County, CO – Authorities have released bodycam video that showed a fugitive pulling a gun on deputies during a traffic stop, before they fatally shot him (video below).

The incident occurred at about 4:41 p.m. on Aug. 31 on Highway 85 after Douglas County deputies pulled over a black truck for making an unsafe turn, KKTV reported.

There were four people inside the truck, and after making the traffic stop, deputies learned that the female driver was under a protective order that prohibited her from having contact with a male subject.

The deputies thought one of the men in the backseat fit the description of the man the driver was prohibited from contacting, and so they began questioning him.

When deputies asked 61-year-old Paul Askins, of Colorado Springs, for his legal name, he became belligerent and refused to give it to them, KKTV reported.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office released two bodycam videos and a dashcam video that showed just how quickly the incident escalated from a traffic stop to a deadly situation.

“Sir, can I have you step out of the vehicle?” the deputy closest to the truck asked in the video.

The video showed Askins took his time complying with the deputy’s command, and first peeked out the window with something in his hand. Then everything moved very quickly.

Bodycam video from the deputy who was closest to the truck showed that when Askins opened the door of the vehicle with his left hand, he was holding a pistol in his right hand.

“Don’t even move. Don’t move! Don’t move!” the deputy yelled at the gun-wielding man.

The video showed Askins raised his pistol and pointed it at the deputy.

Gunfire erupted a split second later as the deputy opened fire on Askins, fatally shooting him.

The bodycam from the second deputy showed the deputy closest to the truck backing up quickly and stumbling, ending up on his back on the ground.

However, he continued to shoot at Askins as he lay on his back, the video showed.

The video showed all three deputies opening fire on Askins as a woman screamed in the background.

None of the deputies were injured in the altercation, according to the Denver Post.

At the time of the shooting, Askins was wanted on two active warrants out of El Paso County. He was wanted for second-degree burglary of a building and also for failure to appear, according to KKTV.

However, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Sergeant Jeff Miller said it turned out that Askins was not the man who had a restraining order against the driver, the Denver Post reported.

Initially, the sheriff’s department believed Askins had shot at the deputies, but further investigation showed he had not fired his weapon, Sgt. Miller told reporters at a press briefing on Monday.

The sheriff’s department has not released the names of the three deputies involved in the incident, but told KKTV that the investigation was ongoing.

You can see the video of the gunfight below:

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