
VIDEO: Wisconsin Cop Races Into Blazing Barn To Save Cattle From Burning To Death


Sturgeon Bay, WI – A Wisconsin police officer heroically ran into a burning barn and saved three cows from burning alive last month (video below).

Sturgeon Bay Police Department (SBPD) Officer Andrew Crabb had nearly wrapped up his night shift when he noticed a plume of black smoke billowing up from a farmyard in the early morning hours of June 25, the Associated Press reported.

Bodycam footage showed the officer stopping his patrol car to assess the scene as the heavy smoke filled the sky above a barn.

Another clip showed Officer Crabb walking across a field towards the inferno.

When he rounded the corner of the building, he immediately spotted a small group of cattle trapped near the flames and ran over to rescue them.

The officer quickly released the chain on one of the gates so the cattle could run to safety.

Bodycam footage showed the roof of the barn had already begun to collapse behind them.

Officer Crabb made his way closer to the blaze to ensure no other animals were trapped inside, then quickly rushed out of the building.

“Once I realized what was going on inside that barn, I realized the gate didn’t get undone and those cows were not going to make it,” he later told FOX News. “So, I ran in there and got the gate and then got them out. And I didn’t have to really encourage them too much. They knew exactly what they needed to do once that gate was open.”

Officer Crabb said the three cows had been secured inside the barn overnight because of their history of escaping.

They “made a beeline” for the rest of the herd once they were released into the pasture, he said.

A group of volunteer firefighters banded together and managed to save the majority of the barn from the blaze, FOX News reported.

The SBPD said no one was injured during the ordeal.

Watch the incident unfold in the video below:

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