
Video Shows U.S. Border Patrol Cutting Razor Wire Fence To Let People Cross Into Texas


Eagle Pass, TX – A controversial video has gone viral that shows a U.S. Border Patrol agent cutting the razor wire fence installed by the state of Texas to let illegal immigrants cross the border into the United States (video below).

The Texas Department of Public Safety (TDPS), who put in the security fences on private property with the permission of the owners, said this is the first time their agency was aware of something like this happening, FOX News reported.

The state agency said it has permission from the property owners to arrest any illegal immigrants found there.

The video filmed on a cell phone showed a uniformed U.S. Border Patrol agent using a wire cutting tool to snip concertina wire that had been placed along the banks of the Rio Grande River.

Then the video showed the agent held the wire back and gestured for a line of undocumented immigrants on the shoreline to cross through safely.

The video showed at least two dozen illegal immigrants proceeded up an embankment to a fence along a roadway, where yet two more uniformed federal law enforcement officers helped hold open another section of fencing that had been cut.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) put out a statement to explain what they said was happening in the video, FOX News reported.

The agency said that the people seen crossing through the fence line at the behest of federal agents had already arrived on the shore and were suffering in the heat.

“It is a federal responsibility to enforce U.S. immigration laws. U.S. Border Patrol continues to enforce U.S. immigration laws,” the CBP statement read. “The individuals had already crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico, were on U.S. soil, and are subject to U.S. immigration laws.”

“Individuals who cross unlawfully will be subject to the lawful pathways rule, which places common-sense conditions on asylum eligibility, with certain exceptions. Those who do not establish a legal basis to remain in the United States will be removed,” the statement continued.

Once people cross into the United States, border patrol agents have to process them, FOX News reported.

However, if Texas law enforcement officers encounter undocumented immigrants in their jurisdictions, the state can immediately deport them.

Data showed that more than 1.6 illegal immigrants crossed the southern border into the United States since October of 2022, FOX News reported.

Watch the incident unfold in the video below:

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