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VIDEO: Sen. Mitch McConnell Harassed In Restaurant, Diners Confront Heckler


Louisville, KY – United States Senator Mitch McConnell was confronted by at least one angry man while he was eating at a local diner Friday.

Witnesses claimed the man slammed his fists down on the Senate Majority Leader’s table and grabbed his to-go box of food and threw it out of the restaurant.

McConnell was eating with his wife at the Havana Rumba restaurant when a group of men confronted him, according to WLKY. (Video below)

One man screamed at McConnell, “Why don’t you get out of here? Why don’t you leave the entire country?”

Other diners confronted the man and told him to leave.

In the video, eventually restaurant staff members show up to quiet the man.

“The Leader and Secretary Chao enjoyed their meal in Louisville last night and they appreciate those who spoke up against incivility. They hope other patrons weren’t too inconvenienced by left-wing tantrums. As the Leader often says, the Senate will not be intimidated by the antics of far-left protestors,” press secretary Stephanie Penn said in a statement, according to WLKY.

Havana Rumba released a statement and said it regretted staff members didn’t step in sooner.

“We deeply regret the incident that took place at our restaurant this weekend,” the statement said, according to WLKY. “We strongly believe everyone should feel welcome and safe in our restaurants. It was Friday night in the middle of the rush and our staff was caught off guard as the incident developed quickly. Once we were aware of the situation we acted quickly and efficiently to assure that everyone was safe.”

The restaurant said it has properly handed other incidents in 14 years and never received a complaint.

“We will continue to do so, training our staff and management better,” Havana Rumba stated.

In the video, McConnell kept his composure and didn’t react during the tantrum. WLKY reported that he thanked some of his supporters afterwards and shook their hands.

Actor Ben Stein told TMZ that the man who attacked McConnell was like a brownshirt in the early days of the Nazi Party.

“Disgusting, mob rule, Antifa is becoming like the brownshirts in the early days of the Nazi Party,” Stein said, according to TMZ. “Very very disgusting, shocking behavior. … I consider it violent because somebody while he is having his meal and take his meal away from him and throw it away. I consider that as close to violence as I want to get.”

“These people are gangsters,” Stein continued, according to TMZ. “They are mob gangsters. They are not decent people.”

Stein told TMZ that country has reached a point where mob rule is in vogue and is a threat to democracy.

You can see video from the incident below:

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