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VIDEO: Portland Police Cede Control Of Streets, Let Antifa Threaten Motorists


Portland, OR – Protesters and Antifa took over city streets in Portland on Saturday, where they blocked traffic, threatened drivers, and damaged an elderly man’s vehicle, cell phone footage showed (videos below).

It was unclear whether Portland police actually took any action quell the mayhem.

When asked for comment, Portland Police Bureau’s said that introducing law enforcement to a crowd of people engaged in illegal activity could “change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse.”

“The Police Bureau respects the rights of community members to practice their First Amendment Right to free speech as well the desire of community members to remain safe while traveling and living in the area where free speech events occur,” Portland Police Department Public Information Officer Sergeant Chris Burley told Blue Lives Matter on Monday afternoon.

“These events are dynamic and require the Police Bureau determine how to best respond,” Sgt. Burley continued. “There are times that introducing law enforcement into an event may in turn change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse.”

Many of the demonstrators were protesting the officer-involved shooting of documented Crip gang member Patrick “Pat Pat” Kimmons, KATU reported.

Kimmons, 27, was killed during a shootout with officers on Sep. 30, shortly after he was involved in shooting two people, police said.

Police recovered Kimmons’ handgun at the scene of the officer-involved shooting, Portland Police Department Spokesperson Officer Natasha Haunsperger told The Oregonian.

“His name is Patrick Kimmons!” a group of protesters with signs yelled on a street corner on Saturday, one video showed.

“He shot two people!” a shirtless man across the intersection shouted back at the crowd. “I don’t give a f–k what his name is…he’s a gang-banging, people-shooting motherf–ker!”

The man unsuccessfully tried to reason with the protesters, as they made their way towards him carrying Black Lives Matter signs.

“I live right here!” the man argued. “It happened right here!..Get your facts straight!”

“This is the type of street anarchy that routinely happens where I live,” journalist Andy Ngo wrote in a tweet along with videos of the chaos. “Here is video…showing Antifa directing traffic in downtown and threatening people who don’t obey with violence.”

“Mayor @tedwheeler, who really runs this town?” Ngo wrote.

According to Sgt. Burley, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler “did not provide direction” to the police department regarding the Saturday demonstration.

Cell phone footage showed a woman as she blocked a motorist’s path of travel and ordered him to turn right.

“Why?” the driver asked her.

“Because I told you to,” she responded.

A man in camo shorts then ran up to the driver’s window.

“Yeah brother!” he yelled at the driver. “Yeah ya little white little f–ker!..You’re a f–king little whitey, aren’t ya? The First Amendment. Get the f–k down the road.”

The woman who initially told the motorist to turn right then jumped back into the conversation, and complained to the driver that he was “blocking traffic” and that the people behind him were “getting p–sed” at him.

“You are a little whitey and supremacist!” the man in camo shorts chimed in. “We don’t need your KKK in Portland.”

At one point, the motorist appeared to be calling someone for assistance, but it was unclear whether he was on the phone with police.

The camera then panned down the street from the melee, and showed a uniformed motorcycle officer watching the scene from afar.

The protesters accosted other drivers as they proceeded through the intersection, and told them they were “lucky” that they didn’t hit anyone that was standing on the street.

Some of the demonstrators punched vehicles as they passed by, videos showed.

One video showed an elderly driver as he slowly pushed through the mob in a silver Lexus.

A protester threw himself himself in front of the moving vehicle in an apparent attempt to hold the car back as it scooted him forward through the intersection.

When the demonstrator finally jumped out of the way, the driver hit the gas and accelerated away from the crowd, who chased after him to the next intersection, the video showed.

“That’s f–ked up,” one protester said as she chased the driver down. “He’s gonna get his f–kin -ss beat!”

The white-haired driver stepped out of his car as the angry mob descended on him.

He jumped back into his vehicle as the demonstrators screamed at him and hit his vehicle.

Portland police said they have spoken to the unnamed driver, and that he said his vehicle sustained $3,000 in damages during the altercation, KATU reported.

An investigation into the incident is ongoing, police said.

When Blue Lives Matter asked Sgt. Burley how police responded to Saturday’s protests, the answer was vague.

“During demonstrations, assemblies and free speech events, the Police Bureau assesses the impact the event has on the safety of the participants and Portland community members,” Sgt. Burley said.

The bureau also confers with city and county prosecutors to identify legal issues “that may be applicable to the event, actions of event participants, and how the Police Bureau should or should not respond,” he said.

“There are often times a multitude of factors to take into account,” the sergeant said.

You can watch footage of the scene in the videos below:

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