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VIDEO: Police Seeking Man Who Stole Gun Off Body Of Dying Crash Victim


Columbus, OH – Police are looking for a thief who stole a gun off the body of a dying man in Columbus (video below).

Bradley Bethel, 25, lost control of his motorcycle and crashed into a building at about 5:30 a.m. on Sept. 2, 2018, according to WBNS.

Police said that Bethel was speeding in the 1800-block of East Livingston Avenue when he ran a stop sign, hit a curb, and then struck Eddy’s Chicken and Waffles, according to WCBE.

He died from his injuries.

On Jan. 3, Columbus PD released surveillance and bodycam videos of the immediate aftermath of the crash and the emergency response scene.

Police said the video showed that a large black man driving an SUV stopped at the accident scene, and walked up as if to check on Bethel where he lay dying on the ground by his bike.

But instead of trying to help Bethel, the surveillance video recovered by the police showed the man bent over and lifted up the mortally wounded man’s arm, and stole a Kel-Tec 9mm handgun from a holster on his hip.

Police who responded to the scene the night of the crash noticed right away that something was wrong about the scene, KXXV reported.

“Where’s the gun?” an officer asked when he arrived at the wreck, police bodycam video showed.

“He has a holster. There’s a gun somewhere,” the officer insisted in the video.

Police said further review of bodycam footage revealed that the suspect had stayed at the scene and talked with first responders after he stole the gun.

Columbus police are trying to identify the thief so they can close the case and give the family closure, according to FOX News.

“It’s bad enough I lost my son in this tragic accident. But for this reprehensible excuse of a human being to come up and violate him and desecrate his body in the last seconds of his life is almost beyond my ability to explain,” the victim’s father, Brian Bethel, told WBNS.

“This guy took a registered firearm – stole it off my dying son. … I don’t want somebody else to be hurt, somebody else to lose a child because of what this guy has done,” his grieving father told KXXV.

Brian Bethel also had a message for the man who stole his son’s gun, “come forward. You did something very morally, disgustingly wrong.”

“It’s almost beyond my ability to put into words how disgusted and angry and hurt that in the last seconds of my son’s life that he was desecrated and defiled like he was,” the father told WSYX.

Watch the surveillance and bodycam videos of the suspect below:

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