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VIDEO: Police Engage In ‘High Speed’ Pursuit Of John Deere Tractor


Corpus Christi, TX – Driscoll police officers chased a man on a John Deere tractor for more than an hour on Tuesday before they were able to take him into custody (video below).

Driscoll Police Chief Michael Cantu said the incident began at about 8:30 a.m. on Jan. 29 when the suspect drove his tractor into a gas station and hit a Spectrum van, KBMT reported.

He was wearing full camouflage and a helmet.

The van’s driver, later identified as 45-year-old Alan Baade, confronted the tractor’s driver, an altercation ensued, and the police were called, according to KBMT.

When Driscoll police officers arrived at the gas station, the suspect got back onto his tractor and fled.

He hurt a police officer who tried to stop him by dragging him several feet, KBMT reported. The officer’s arm was injured in the tussle.

Police pursued Baade on his tractor north on Highway 77 and then watched as he drove off into a field.

Initially, officers circled the field waiting for Baade to come back out, according to KBMT.

Eventually, they sent in four-wheel drive police SUVs to stop the John Deere’s flight.

After more than an hour, police finally converged on the suspect from both directions and pulled him off his tractor, according to video of the incident.

Investigators said they discovered that Baade was wanted on a felony charge from Nueces County, KBMT reported.

He was arrested and booked into the Nueces County jail where he was facing a new charge of aggravated assault on a police officer.

Chief Cantu said that the suspect told officers he was trying to get to California to help with the wildfires, KWES reported.

The chief also said that Baade told officers he needed to get money from President Donald Trump.

Watch officers chasing a tractor in the video below:

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