
VIDEO: On-Duty Chief Deputy Suspended For Driving 96 MHP In Unmarked Patrol Car


Henry County, GA – A chief deputy with the Henry County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) was suspended for five days after police caught him traveling nearly 100 miles per hour in a 35-mile-per-hour zone while he was on duty last month (video below).

The Henry County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) later confirmed HCSO Chief Deputy Michael Yarbrough was on duty and operating a department vehicle at the time of the stop, but that he was not traveling with his lights or sirens activated, CNN reported.

A Henry County Police Department (HCPD) officer was out on patrol on June 20 when he clocked a Dodge Charger traveling a staggering 96 miles per hour in a 35-mile-per-hour zone, according to WLS.

The officer pulled the speeding car over, then approached the driver.

He immediately recognized the man in the driver’s seat as Chief Deputy Yarbrough.

“Really?” the officer asked the chief deputy through the open driver’s side window.

Chief Deputy Yarbrough then asked the officer if he could get his license out of the back of the car.

“Yeah,” the officer replied, stepping away from the car with a laugh.

Video showed there was another sheriff’s deputy in the passenger seat of Chief Deputy Yarbrough’s unmarked cruiser.

The officer left the chief deputy and returned to his patrol vehicle at some point during the stop and placed a call to an unknown person, dashcam and bodycam footage showed.

“Guess who I just pulled over?” the officer asked during the call.

“Who?” the person on the other end of the line asked.

“Yarbrough,” the HCPD officer replied. “Yeah, the chief deputy driving a [expletive] Dodge Charger – a souped-up Doge Charger that belongs to the sheriff’s office. I just clocked this son-of-a-b—h at 96 in a 35.”

The person the officer called asked the officer why Chief Deputy Yarbrough was traveling so fast.

“No reason,” the officer replied. “He’s in an unmarked car. He’s just got a high-horse-power car and decided he wanted to play.”

The officer asked the person if he should write the chief deputy a citation.

“It’s your traffic stop. Do what you think you should do,” the person told him. “I’m not telling you one way or another.”

“Well, you know I don’t care for him, so I’m gonna write his -ss,” the officer concluded.

Bodycam footage showed the officer returning Chief Deputy Yarbrough’s identification and providing him with a copy of the traffic citation.

The chief deputy signed off on the notice to appear and handed the document back to the officer.

“Please slow down and have a safe day,” the officer said as he turned and walked back to his patrol car.

Chief Deputy Yarbrough was suspended without pay for five days as a result of the incident, CNN reported.

“Chief Deputy Michael Yarbrough reported to me that he was issued a citation for speeding immediately after the traffic stop occurred,” Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett said in a statement. “After reviewing the facts of the incident, I suspended the Chief Deputy for 40 hours without pay due to the severity of the traffic citation.”

The ticket was ultimately reduced to a warning, according to WAGA.

Watch the incident unfold in the video below. Warning – Obscene Language:

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