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VIDEO: Nike-Wearing Man Enraged As Cop Is Unfazed By His 100+ Racial Slurs


Brooklyn, NY – A man wearing a baseball cap with a Nike swoosh called an officer from New York Police Department (NYPD) the N-word more than 100 times while he was being arrested.

Police said the same man was charged with a hate crime in 2017 (video below).

A bystander videotaped 51-year-old Ilya Freyman’s behavior toward a black NYPD officer during his arrest on Wednesday, as the man sat in handcuffs on the curb between gas pumps.

The witness posted the video to Instagram and it quickly went viral.

The incident began when police were called to a gas station located on Ocean Avenue at about 2:44 p.m. on Sept. 12 for a report about a man who had shattered the glass of a cashier’s booth at the station.

The person who was inside the booth when Freyman smashed the window was cut by flying glass and called 911 for help, NYPD Detective Sophia Mason told Blue Lives Matter.

Officers responded to the gas station and took the suspect, who was a white man with a goatee wearing a black sweatshirt and a black baseball cap with a Nike swoosh across it, into custody.

“When they were placing him under arrest he continued to use profanities against the officer, causing a large crowd to gather,” Det. Mason said.

The video showed two NYPD officers, one of whom was black, and a sergeant standing around Freyman, as he sat on the curb screaming.

The black female police officer, who stood calmly by with a neutral expression throughout the entire exchange, appeared to be the subject of the enraged man’s wrath as he repeatedly hurled racial slurs at her.

“N—er n—er n—er n—er n—er f–k you!” the man chanted in the video.

Then he repeated the N-word another 14 times before saying “f–k you” yet again.

After the first 40 or so N-words, the man became even more furious at the officer’s lack of reaction.

“You are a n—er officer, f–k you,” he swore, leaning as far as he cold toward the officer from his seated positon.

“N—er n—er n—er n—er n—er n—er n—er n—er I hate you!” he screamed on the video, and then resumed his N-word chat.

He was still chanting the N-word when the video ended.

Officers ultimately arrested Freyman for 3 charges of criminal mischief, reckless endangerment disorderly conduct, obscene language, and harassment, Det. Mason told Blue Lives Matter.

Det. Mason said that Freyman was already known to the department as a “violent individual.”

On June 9, 2017, Freyman attacked a 56-year-old man by punching him and hitting him in the groin.

“I hate you. You fucking n—er. Go back to Africa where you came from,” Freyman yelled at his victim as he attacked, Det. Mason said.


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He was also arrested in 2015 for assaulting a police officer by hitting him in the arm and chest. It was unclear whether the officer was on duty when he was attacked by Freyman.

Freyman was also arrested in 2014 for punching a neighbor multiple times in the face, Det. Mason said.

She commended the officer’s lack of reaction to Freyman’s behavior during his arrest, and agreed it was an excellent example of police professionalism.

“You have to learn to be that way,” the detective said. “Some people want to get a reaction out of you, and you can’t give them that satisfaction.”

You can see the encounter in the video below:

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