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VIDEO: Man Shot After Attacking Woman In Front Of Deputy, Grabbing Cop’s Taser


Volusia County, FL – Sheriff Mike Chitwood released the bodycam video of his deputy fatally shooting a domestic violence suspect on Friday night after the man got hold of the deputy’s Taser.

The incident happened at around 7:30 p.m. after a worker at a domestic abuse center called the sheriff’s office to report that 29-year-old Emmanuel Alquisiras was beating the mother of his children, according to Orlando Sentinel.

The victim had called the abuse hotline to say that she was being beaten and that when Alquisiras uses cocaine “he tends to beat her and be extremely violent.”

Deputy Brandon Watson responded. His nearest backup was 20 minutes away, leaving the deputy with little choice but to go in alone to stop the attack.

Sheriff Chitwood said that if the deputy had waited, that the 24-year-old victim would have been a homicide victim.

Deputy Watson arrived at the home on U.S. 17 near Bunnell Road and started speaking with two men on the front porch.

As the deputy was speaking with them, the domestic violence victim tried to exit the house, and that’s when Alquisiras started attacking her again.

The deputy was afraid that the woman would be tossed down the stairs, and he used his Taser on Alquisiras.

Alquisiras went to the ground and ignored the deputy’s commands, repeatedly telling the deputy “shoot me.”

Throughout the encounter, Deputy Watson attempted to de-escalate and talk the man down, the video showed.

At one point, the suspect was able to grab the Taser, and Deputy Watson warned Alquisiras that he’d shoot him. The deputy was able to get the Taser back.

Alquisiras then grabbed the Taser a second time and fired it, and the deputy responded by shooting him.

Law enforcement officers may respond to Tasers or pepper spray with deadly force, especially if they’re alone, because the weapons can disable them.

“If he loses his firearm, he’s dead,” Sheriff Chitwood said of the shooting.

“After watching the body camera video of last night’s deputy-involved shooting, it’s clear to me that this deputy was placed in a terrible situation & did everything he could to try and convince this man to stop fighting. I stand behind the deputy 100%. We will release the video,” the sheriff told the media, according to WFTV.

You can see the video of the shooting below. The fight starts at around 5:20:

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