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VIDEO: Man Claims Arrest Was For Being Black, But Cop Did Him Favor After Arrest


Loveland, CO – A man who fought with Loveland police officers after being pulled over for an expired license plate has alleged that he was wrongfully arrested because of his race (video below).

His friend quickly posted video clips of the arrest to Facebook calling the officers “ALL OF YOU FAT MOTHA FU–AS,” and claiming that the arrest was racially biased.

Their friends were quick to respond how evil police are and that they deserve to be killed.

However, the report shows that after the young man was arrested for DUI and obstruction, the officer was nice enough to give him a ride home after he was processed.

The incident began at approximately 10:46 p.m. on Oct. 10, when Loveland Police Officer Geoff Reeves spotted a white sedan weaving into the bike lane on North Garfield Avenue, according to the police report.

Officer Reeves followed the vehicle for a short distance, then pulled behind the driver at a stop light.

As he was sitting behind the vehicle, the officer noticed that the white sedan had an expired temporary license plate, so he initiated a traffic stop.

The driver “was slow to pull over” and drove past a shopping center parking lot before he ultimately stopped his vehicle on the side of the roadway.

“The car was partially in the bike lane, straddling the line between the bike lane” and the traffic lane, Officer Reeves’ report read.

“I saw the driver moving around inside the car, reaching over in the area of the passenger seat,” he noted. “I briefly paused next to my car and tried to see what the driver was reaching for, but I could not see his hands.”

The officer also noticed that there was a passenger in the front seat who was also reaching for something.

Officer Reeves approached the car and recognized the driver, 18-year-old Schneider Detlefsen, who he had previously dealt with at “teenage house parties,” according to the report.

The officer told Detlefsen that he stopped him for the expired license plate, and Detlefsen admitted that “he was trying to find time to make it to the DMV office,” according to the report.

As Officer Reeves spoke with Detlefsen, he noticed his eyes were bloodshot and “could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from inside the car,” the report read.

He collected identification from the driver and passenger, 20-year-old Christian Gutierrez, and returned to his patrol vehicle to run their information.

Officers Tim Nye and James King then arrived at the scene, and Officer Reeves told them he wanted to make sure Detlefsen was not driving under the influence.

But when Officers King and Reeves asked Detlefsen to step out of the vehicle, he demanded to know why and refused to exit the car.

Officer Reeves told him that he had questions to ask him, and that “it was safer for me to talk with him outside the car,” according to the report.

After further argument, Detlefsen ultimately got out of the vehicle.

The officers repeatedly instructed him to keep his hands out of his pockets and to walk to the sidewalk so they weren’t in the traffic lane, but Detlefsen continued to argue.

“[Detlefsen] said he had done nothing wrong and reluctantly started walking over to the sidewalk,” Officer Reeves said in his report.

The suspect again stuffed his hands into his pockets, and ignored additional commands to remove them.

Officer Reeves then grabbed onto Detlefsen’s left arm and told him to place his right hand on top of his head so they could search him for weapons.

“As I started my pad down search, [he] took his right hand off the top of his head and started turning his body towards me,” Officer Reeves wrote.

The officer quickly put Detlefsen’s left hand in a “twist lock,” and ordered him not to turn around.

The suspect argued that the officer was “hurting him” and began struggling with the officers, “twisting his body and trying to pull his hands away from us,” Officer Reeves’ report read.

“He kept trying to reach back into his pockets and at one time drew back as if he was preparing to swing on either Officer Reeves or myself,” Officer King’s report read.

Officer Reeves informed the suspect that he was being placed under arrest for obstruction, at which point Detlefsen “bent over at the waist, pulled his right arm into his body and dropped his weight,” the report read.

He continued to fight with the officers, so they used their “body weight to push him down [to his] stomach,” Officer Reeves wrote.

Detlefsen was able to roll onto his back, and attempted to get onto his feet as he tried to pull away from the officers.

“The whole time [Detlefsen] was on the ground he was screaming and crying,” Officer Nye’s report read. “He also stated he needed to call his mother…I told him, ‘You are 18 years old, you don’t need to call your mom [while at the scene].’”

After further struggle, he was taken into custody.

Officer Reeves then approached Gutierrez, who had been recording the altercation with his cell phone, and told him he needed to record a copy of the video with his department-issued phone to use as evidence.

When the officer explained that he would otherwise be forced to hold Gutierrez’s phone and get a warrant to search it, the passenger allowed him to take a copy of the video.

Detlefsen was transported to the Loveland Police Department, where he denied having used alcohol or marijuana.

He agreed to preform voluntary field sobriety tests, which he did not complete “as a sober person would,” according to Officer Reeves’ report.

Detlefsen ultimately refused to complete additional sobriety testing, but agreed to submit to a blood test.

He was subsequently charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and obstructing a peace officer.

Because he had complained that his wrist hurt and his face was scratched, Officer Brandon Johnson offered him medical attention to assess his injuries.

“No, I’m good,” Detlefsen replied, according to the officer’s report.

Meanwhile, Officer King met with Detlefsen’s mother to release his vehicle to her. He noted that she “did not appear to be surprised” when he told her about the details of her son’s arrest, and that she said he has been in trouble for violating the law in the past.

“I asked her if she would be willing to come pick him up from the police department if he is released on a summons,” Officer King wrote. “She said, ‘He would be better off calling a friend.’”

Detlefsen was released from jail soon thereafter.

On Oct. 11, Detlefsen told the Reporter-Herald that he believes the officers wrongfully arrested him because he is black, and claimed to have passed the drug and alcohol breath and blood tests he performed.

“When he pulled me over, he never mentioned anything about me being under the influence,” Detlefsen told the Reporter-Herald on Oct. 12. “After all that he drove me home.”

“The DUI one blows my mind,” he told the paper.

The report shots that Detlefsen had a blood draw instead of a breath test, and the results of the blood draw have not yet returned from the testing lab.

On Oct. 12, Loveland Police Department Public Information Officer Sergeant Amy Wheeler told Blue Lives Matter that the officers involved in the arrest notified the department about the use-of-force arrest immediately after it occurred, as per the agency’s policy.

“We’re aware of the incident because they followed the reporting policy,” Sgt. Wheeler said. “We review every single use of force incident that occurs.”

All of the officers involved in Detlefsen’s arrest remained on regular duties as of Oct. 12, according to Sgt. Wheeler.

You can watch the cell phone clips of the officers’ encounter with Detlefsen in the videos below:

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