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VIDEO: Man Calls Mommy For Help After Arrest For Attacking Pro-Life Activists


Bloomington, IN – A college student was arrested after he was filmed spray-painting signs and destroying property at a pro-life protest at Indiana University – Bloomington on Oct. 4.

Indiana University police officers arrested 21-year-old Thomas Metcalf and charged him with disorderly conduct, vandalism, and larceny-theft, FOX News reported.

Metcalf, a member of the university’s Black Lives Matter and Young Democratic Socialists of America, used spray paint to destroy a number of the pro-life demonstrator’s signs, the video showed.

“Stop doing that. Stop doing that,” one of the pro-life activists warned him. “You’re going to pay for all those damaged. Don’t do that.”

Metcalf also knocked down and removed structural parts of other displays as he screamed profanities at his victims.

“You all are pieces of s–t and you are harming women! F–k you!” he yelled.

The video showed he tried to steal a number of a large pro-life sandwich board-style signs by shoving them in the back of his silver sedan.

In the video, one of the demonstrators followed him and removed the signs from the car.

At one point, a woman identified on the video as a university administrator tried to intervene but Metcalf ignored her and continued destroying property.

“Why do you do this?” a member of the pro-life group Created Equal asked Metcalf in the video.

“Because you want women to be child-rearing surrogates that don’t have any rights,” Metcalf replied. “And I f–king hate you. I f–king hate you.”

Officers took Metcalf into custody a short time later. He refused to talk police without an attorney, FOX News reported.

Metcalf tried to call his mother after police stopped him, and yelled into the phone telling her to get him a lawyer, before officers made him end the call, police said.

“Thankfully in this case, no one got harmed, but unless abortion advocates call for civility, I don’t know how long that is going to last,” Created Equal President Mark Harrington told Fox News.

The incident in Indiana happened less than a week after Jordan Hunt threw a roundhouse kick to the head of a pro-life activist in Toronto in a video that went wildly viral.

Hunt was both arrested and fired from his job in the aftermath.

Now Toronto police are investigating a second attack against pro-life demonstrators that was captured on video one day later at a different rally, Global News reported.

In a cell phone video filmed at Toronto’s Ryerson University on Oct. 1, a young woman seemed to be channeling Hunt’s rage, as she launched a totally unprovoked attack against a group of pro-life activists.

The video showed students with signs standing and talking calmly about the issue of abortion. They did not agree, but the discussion remained friendly.

Suddenly, a woman standing in another group nearby yelled something at the other group, and they ignored her, the video showed.

Not satisfied with that response, the woman, identified in the video as Gabriela Skwarko, handed someone her sign and stalked over to the other group.

Suddenly she rushed at the other students, the video showed.

“We didn’t see her coming,” Katie Somers, one of the victims, told Global News.

“She kicked our signs, shoved them down. They fell down my leg, injuring me… And then I tried to run away, while she picked up a metal dolly and threw it at me and then proceeded to shove me, wrestle me around by my backpack and try to get me to fight her,” Somers described the attack.

Video footage of the incident confirmed the details of the victim’s account.

In the video, other group members were slow to intervene, but eventually convinced Skwarko to stop her attack on Somers.

“Gabby, Gabby, Gabby, Gabby,” one man repeated as if trying to talk the attacker down.

Disturbingly, a number of bystanders stood and looked on without doing anything to help the young woman being attacked.

Eventually, Skwarko disengaged from Somers, but then she went back and shoved her again, hard, the video showed.

At that point, Skwarko noticed she was being filmed by someone’s cell phone.

“Are you filming me?” she asked, getting right up into the person’s face. Then she used her chest to slam the person before backing away.

“Yo, relax, relax,” one of the men told her. Skwarko responded by kicking one of the pro-life activist’s belongings down the street, the video showed.

Her victim, Somers, can be heard crying in the background of the video after the attack.

“Oh, are you crying little girl?” another woman watching asked Somers in a nasty tone on the video as Skwarko finally walked away from her victim.

Somers told Global News this isn’t the first violence they’ve experienced while demonstrating.

“We believe that the escalation of violence against peaceful pro-life protesters is becoming a problem and would like it to stop,” Somers said.

“We don’t want our society to turn into a place where people are afraid to share their opinion,” she said.

You can see videos of the attacks below (multiple videos, scroll down for more):

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