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VIDEO: Hairstylist Roundhouse Kicks Pro-Life Woman Who Disagrees With Him


Toronto, ON – The man who unleashed a roundhouse kick on a pro-life activist Sept. 30 while she was recording him has been fired from his job as a hairstylist.

In the video, Jordan Hunt is seen badgering pro-life activists, according to the Toronto Sun.

One protester said that Hunt was using markers to scribble on signs and clothing of protesters, including that of a 10-year-old girl. (Video below)

Marie-Claire Bissonnette then approached Hunt and started a conversation while taking a video.

“If somebody gets raped by somebody and they’re like, ‘I am a 16 years old and I can’t have this baby.’ Do you think they should keep it?’” Hunt asked.

While Bissonnette was answering the question, Hunt jumped into a bladed stance and unleased the roundhouse kick.

After he kicked her, Hunt said, “I meant to kick your phone,” according to the video.

While the police didn’t identify the suspect, his employer told the Washington Post who he was.

Amy Wesselink, the manager of Noble Studio 101, said the man who kicked the woman was Hunt, a freelance contract hairstylist. Wesselink said Hunt was hired two months ago and was fired Wednesday.

Wesselink told the Washington Post that her salon has five women and his actions didn’t represent who they were as a studio.

Hunt said he needed to leave town after mentioning a video circulating online, according to the Washington Post.

Wesselink asked for people to not take Hunt’s actions out on her business in an Instagram post.

“It has been brought to our attention that Jordan has been caught on camera assaulting an innocent bystander at a pro life rally,” the Instagram post stated. “We don’t condone his actions and he has been let go. We believe that everyone has a right to an opinion and the right to voice their opinion without fear of physical violence.”

Wesselink stated in another Instagram post that she has spent two days dealing with thousands of calls, texts and messages from around the world regarding Hunt’s kick.

“Fake appointments and threats against our business as well as hate filled messages attacking our values and motives has been the theme of many of those correspondences,” the post stated. “We did not ask for this attention. We are a collective of hardworking individuals simply supporting our families. Please respect this.”

The Toronto Sun reported that Hunt has deleted his social media accounts.

Bissonnette said she’d like to press charges against Hunt.

“He kicked me in the shoulder, my phone went flying,” Bissonnette told the Toronto Sun. “I start shouting for someone to call police and before he runs away, he goes up to me and I had a ribbon on my jacket indicating the leader, he tore it off my chest.”

She said she felt minor pain and her phone was not damaged.

“When he began to pose and you can see in the video that he positions himself for this, I guess it didn’t register because it was very sudden,” she said, according to the Toronto Sun. “You would expect someone to start yelling in a loud voice or be very aggressive before they would go and physically assault someone.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve experienced physical aggression from people who disagree with our message,” Bissonnette told the Toronto Sun. “I don’t think it’s acceptable to show any physical violence to anyone who disagrees with you. The perpetrator should know that.”

The Toronto police said they are investigating the incident but no arrests have been made.

Watch the video of the attack below:

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