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VIDEO: Fur Missile Takes Down Fugitive Burglarizing Police Union Lodge


Tulsa, OK – Tula police have released bodycam video of the K9 apprehension of a fugitive who broke into the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) lodge.

Police said a cleaning woman found Christian Bryant inside the Tulsa FOP Lodge on the morning of Dec. 3, 2018, according to KOTV.

Then she noticed the broken glass from the building’s front door.

The cleaning woman went outside and flagged down a passing police officer, who was happy to stop and help figure out who had broken into the police union’s building, which also serves as a police bar and social club.

The officer called for backup, and Tulsa Police K9 Cisco arrived to search the building.

The video released by Tulsa police showed two officers going into the bar area of the FOP lodge with K9 Cisco.

The video showed they called out and announced themselves and the dog, and then they let K9 Cisco search the facility while they followed him.

“Tulsa police officer with a dog,” an officer yelled. “Come out now or I’m gonna turn him loose. …You need to come out now or you may be bit.”

When one of the officers opened the door to a storage hallway, K9 Cisco immediately spotted the suspect sitting on the floor and raced to apprehend him.

The video showed Bryant screaming “ow ow ow ow ow” at the top of his lungs as K9 Cisco latched onto his upper left arm and back.

The dog’s handler detached the police K9 a few seconds later as the other officer took custody of the suspect.

“What did I do?” Bryant asked as the officer was about to apply the handcuffs.

“What do you think you did, a–hole? You broke the damned window out here in the damned police lodge,” the officer told him.

“Ow ow owww. The dog bit me. Ow,” Bryant moaned.

“Stop being a baby,” the officer told him in the video.

The stood him out and walked him out of the building, passing several other officers on their way through.

More than one officer chuckled a little at Bryant as he was marched through their clubhouse to the police car.

“Do you realize what building this is?” the video showed an officer asked Bryant after he was taken outside.

“No,” the suspect replied.

“You don’t? You’re about as dumb as a box of rocks,” the officer told Bryant.

Another officer congratulated K9 Cisco on his apprehension and told his handler to “buy that dog a steak dinner,” the video showed.

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KOTV reported that Bryant was taken to the hospital to be treated for dog bites and then taken to Tulsa County jail.

He was booked on charges of second-degree burglary and obstructing a police officer, KJRH reported.

When police did a records search, they found Bryant was a fugitive wanted for crimes in Benton County, Arkansas.

That jurisdiction has placed a hold on Bryant and an extradition hearing was expected to be scheduled.

Watch K9 Cisco catch up with the suspect in the video below:

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