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VIDEO: Fur Missile Noms On Man Who Tried To Kidnap Baby


Port New Richey, FL – Police K9 Titan captured a man who tried to kidnap a six-month-old baby on Monday (video below).

Pasco County deputies responded to a call about a man who had tried to steal a baby girl at about 8:45 a.m. on Sept. 17, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

Deputies said that 24-year-old Kevin Wilson climbed into the house on Castine Street through the second-story window to get to the baby.

The baby’s mother let Wilson into the house, but then asked him to leave, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

She had a protective order against Wilson from a domestic battery incident that occurred in July, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Wilson told the baby’s mother that he would take the little girl, and he did.

She told deputies that Wilson grabbed the baby and took off down the stairs.

“You’ll never see her again,” Wilson said, according to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office.

The mother told deputies that he was squeezing the baby so hard that it looked like he was choking her, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

The baby’s mother screamed for help, and her uncle came out of the house with a gun and pointed it at Wilson. He told him he was hurting the baby and to let go of her.

Wilson eventually put down the baby and fled the scene in a vehicle.

The baby had minor scratches on her right arm, according to the Bradenton Herald.

A few hours later, he crashed behind a McDonald’s at Ridge and Moon Lake Roads, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

He fled into the woods, and both police aviation and K9 units were deployed to track him.

The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office said nearby schools had been placed in a “controlled campus lockdown” while deputies searched for the would-be kidnapper, the Bradenton Herald reported.

Bodycam video captured an officer’s track through the woods with his partner K9 Titan.

K9 Titan led his handler into the brush, on a makeshift path, as he tracked Wilson, the video showed.

Then he led his handler around the outside of a clump of trees where he found the suspect, the video showed.

“Stop,” the K9 officer commanded Wilson.

“Get on the ground! Get him! Get him Titan!” he yelled excitedly as the man dropped to the ground with K9 Titan latched onto his arm

The officer drew his weapon when he caught up with K9 Titan and Wilson. He ordered the suspect to put his hands up multiple times, the video showed.

“You got the bad man, good boy!” the officer told the dog, who was still latched onto Wilson.

“Roll over on your stomach, now! Roll over,” the officer ordered Wilson.

The officer repeatedly told Wilson to get on his stomach and lay face down, but the man would not comply. Additional officers arrived to back up the K9 officer a minute later, and together they were able to get Wilson to roll over onto his front side so they could apply handcuffs, the video showed.

The suspect screamed for help as K9 Titan held him tightly in his jaws. The officer told him that he wasn’t going to call the dog off until he was complying with orders, the video showed.

“I’ll take him off when you listen,” the officer told Wilson. “Roll over!”

“Good boy! That’s a good boy, you hold that bad man,” he praised K9 Titan.

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Once the second officer was able to take control of the suspect, the video showed the K9 handler disengaged K9 Titan and praised him.

“Good boy! Good boy, you watch that bad man,” the officer told the dog as the other officers put handcuffs on Wilson.

Deputies arrested Wilson just after 2 p.m. and charged him with child neglect, interference with custody, and violation of pretrial release, the Bradenton Herald reported.

The Tampa Bay Times reported that Pasco County jail records showed Wilson had been arrested as an adult more than a dozen times. His past charges have included battery, robbery, theft, possession of marijuana, possession of cocaine, and possession of heroin.

You can see the video of the incident below:

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