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VIDEO: Fur Missile Launches Over Fence To Take Down Robbery Suspect


Ocala, FL – Authorities have released video of a police K9 taking down a fleeing robbery suspect in Ocala after deputies tried to serve him with a warrant (video below).

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office said the capture featured on the video occurred on Sept. 29.

Deputies attempted to serve a warrant on 29-year-old Andre Baker, according to a post with the video on the sheriff’s department’s official Facebook page.

The Ocala Police Department had issued the warrant for Baker in connection with an armed robbery that occurred in the city of Ocala on June 2.

Baker was suspected of using a gun to rob a couple of $40 and a .22-caliber handgun, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

The suspect had a history of running from the police, and had bragged to witnesses that if police came for him, he would escape by running into the woods, so deputies were prepared when they arrived at his home to serve the warrant.

Before deputies approached the front door with the warrant for Baker, Deputy Hooper and K9 Rambo took up a position in the woods behind the house.

When the deputies went to the front door with the warrant, Baker fled out the back door, as promised.

Deputy Hooper and K9 Rambo were waiting for the suspect, and the deputy called out warnings for Baker to stop before he deployed his K9.

“Stop, or you’re going to get bit. Stop, or you’re going to get bit,” Deputy Hooper warned Baker as the man snuck out the back door and fled into the woods.

In the video, K9 Rambo went over at least three fences in hot pursuit of the suspect, while his handler followed as fast as he could to keep up.

About 20 seconds after the pursuit began, Baker can be heard screaming in the video.

“Dog bite,” Deputy Hooper said as he continued running to catch up with K9 Rambo.

When the deputy caught up with K9 Rambo, the dog was jumping over the top of a wooden privacy fence to apprehend Baker, and had not yet made contact, despite the screaming, the video showed.

A split second later, the tone of Baker’s screams changed as the police dog actually latched on.

Baker hollered for the deputy to get the dog off of him, although his exact words were unintelligible in the video.

Deputy Hooper told Baker to put his hands behind his back, as K9 Rambo munched down on the suspect’s upper arm.

“Lay on the ground,” the deputy ordered Baker in the video.

“I am, I am,” the suspect assured him.

“Put your hands behind your back. Lay down,” the deputy commanded.

In the video, K9 Rambo bit down on Baker’s upper arm again and the man let out a howl.

“Stop resisting. Hold still,” Deputy Hooper told him in the video.

The video showed Deputy Hooper that handcuffed the struggling suspect, and then disengaged K9 Rambo from his arm.

The man continued to scream and wail the entire time.

“You shouldn’t have run, dude,” Deputy Hooper told him. “Hold still. Stop resisting.”

After other deputies had taken Baker into custody, Deputy Hooper congratulated his partner on a job well done and walked him back to their patrol unit.

“Hey, good job dude. Good job, buddy. That’s right,” the deputy told the dog in a soft voice.

“Let me tell you something – only Rambo jumps privacy fences to get people. You did a good job buddy. You did a good job. Good boy,” Deputy Hooper told K9 Rambo, and scratched him on the head as he put him back into their patrol vehicle.

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Baker was arrested and taken to the Marion County Jail was charged with robbery with a firearm, grand theft of a firearm, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, and resisting without violence, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

Watch the video of the incident below:

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