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VIDEO: Father, Son Arrested After Fatally Shooting Man Threatening To Kill Them


Abilene, TX – A man is dead after trash in an alleyway sparked a dispute between neighbors (video below).

The incident began on the morning of Sept. 1, after 37-year-old Aaron Howard and his common law wife, Kara Box, found a mattress they’d put in a dumpster in their alley deposited back onto their lawn, the Star-Telegram reported.

Howard pick it up and put the mattress back into the dumpster, Box said.

Then 67-year-old John Miller, Howard’s next-door-neighbor, took the mattress back out of the dumpster and dropped it on Howard’s lawn.

Box said Howard told John Miller to put the mattress back in the trash, and Miller refused.

She said she began filming the altercation when John Miller pulled a handgun out of his pocket, and then his son joined him in the alley with a shotgun over his shoulder.

Words were exchanged and tempers flared. Howard’s brother handed him a baseball bat, the Star-Telegram reported.

In the video, John Miller is shirtless and in shorts, and his 31-year-old son Michael Miller is shirtless in jeans.

“Oh yeah, you’re going to jail,” Howard said as the cellphone video began.

“No I’m not,” replied John Miller, who remained calm throughout the entire altercation.

At that point the video showed that Aaron got right up in John Miller’s face pointing.

“Get away from him,” Michael Miller warned Howard.

Howard then turned and told somebody off camera to “go get me my BB gun,” the video showed.

“Back off. Back off,” John Miller warned Howard, never raising his voice at the enraged man. “If you come any closer, I’m going to kill you.”

“Hey, did you hear him say he’s gonna kill me?” Howard asked somebody off camera.

“You pulled a gun in front of my kids,” Howard started screaming, advancing on John Miller.

The children were nieces and nephews that belonged to his visiting brother, Box told the Star-Telegram. No children can be seen or heard on the video.

“Point it at me! Point it at me!” Howard antagonized the Millers.

“I’m standing my ground,” Howard yelled as he continued to get closer and closer to John Miller, the video showed. He sounded as if he were growling.

“So are we,” John Miller responded.

“No you ain’t!” Howard yelled.

The men disagreed about whether they were in the Millers’ driveway or an alleyway, the video showed.

“You’re dead. I promise you, you’re dead,” Howard began threatening John and Michael Miller. “I’m going to kill you.”

“I doubt it,” John Miller replied, deadpan.

Michael Miller told Howard that if he was going to show the video to the police he might want to stop threatening to kill them.

Howard was not amused, and told Michael Miller he was going to kill him too, the video showed.

“Oh no! I don’t give a f–k,” Howard began, and then let loose with a long string of obscenities.

“Point it at me! Point it at me!” Howard dared John Miller over and over again.

“Go ahead, take a swing,” John Miller calmly told the baseball bat-wielding man.

Howard got closer and closer to the Millers, but John Miller never move toward Howard once during the exchange, the video showed.

His son stayed behind him the whole time.

John Miller repeatedly told Howard to “back off” and Howard responded with “you’re a dead man.”

“I doubt it,” John Miller replied yet again, infuriating Howard.

“You better quit threatening,” Michael Miller told the enraged man, as he exhibited the same calm demeanor as his father, the video showed.

“If you come within three foot of me, I’m gonna kill you,” John Miller told Howard very clearly.

Howard stepped closer to him and then Box suddenly stepped into the middle.

“You’re not going to shoot my husband,” Box told John Miller, as she continued to film the exchange.

“Shoot me!” Howard told the Miller men.

“You’re dead,” he threatened them, as the video showed him moving closer to the father and son.

At that point, Michael Miller took the shotgun off of his shoulder and held it in a low-ready position.

“Point it. Point it,” Howard said as he advanced on John Miller.

Two shots were fired and the camera lost focus. It refocused on Michael Miller as he was racking his shotgun, and then the two more shots can be heard as the video lost focus again.

Box told police that after the shooting, John Miller held his gun to her head and Michael Miller ordered Howard’s brother to the ground at gunpoint. They held them there until police arrive, the Star-Telegram reported.

John and Michael Miller were both arrested and charged with first degree murder.

The Star-Telegram reported that both men had been released after posting $25,000 bail each.

Watch the altercation in the video below. WARNING – Graphic Content:

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