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VIDEO: Community Outrage After Cops Whoop Man Destroying Evidence, Fighting Them


Louisville, KY – A mob of angry citizens surrounded a group of Louisville Metropolitan police officers on Sunday as the officers fought on the ground with a combative man (video below).

Bystanders recorded portions of the altercation and posted them to social media, including one clip that showed an officer delivering several body strikes to the suspect.

The altercation took place near a Kroger gas station at approximately 1 p.m., after Louisville Metropolitan Police Department (LMPD) officers pulled over a driver for excessive window tint, WDRB reported.

According to an arrest report, the driver, who was later identified as 32-year-old Jarrus Ransom, was acting suspiciously throughout the interaction that followed, but ultimately gave officers permission to search his vehicle.

Police noticed that Ransom had liquid spilled on his pants, and also spotted an open Pepsi can in the vehicle.

When the officers dumped out the rest of the soda, three pills fell onto the ground.

Ransom yanked out of one officer’s grasp and started to fight, police said.

He then slammed his shoulder into a second officer, and managed to destroy two of the pills.

Bystanders raced to the scene with their cell phone cameras as the officers fought to subdue Ransom.

One video showed police removing the combative suspect from a black SUV and immediately falling to the ground.

An officer then delivered multiple body strikes to the suspect, as his partners pulled Ransom’s legs out from beneath his body and held him down onto his stomach, the video showed.

A second video showed Ransom, who appeared to have an injury to his eye, as he yelled for someone to call his mother.

“Y’all see his eye? Y’all see how they just did him?” the woman behind the camera said. “They just did him bad I heard.”

Ransom brought himself to a sitting position and continued to egg on the increasingly irate crowd.

“Hey, am I bleeding bad?” he asked the bystanders. “My eye? What is it?”

Ransom then jumped to his feet, at which point two officers again took him to the ground.

“That’s f–ked up!” a woman shrieked. “Why you dragging him like that?”

“This is what they teach y’all?” another woman yelled, as the crowd hollered at police and Ransom to “stop.”

The officers attempted to keep the agitated crowd at bay, while the woman recording declared that the altercation occurred after police poured his drink on him.

“He threw the drink on him, and then he got mad ‘cause the boy went on him,” she railed. “What you think gonna happen?”

“This is what they doing to our people,” another person chimed in. “White people.”

People in the crowd then started heckling the officers for not fighting with the man “one-on-one,” and said they should be focusing on “a million cold cases” instead.

“I’m an ex-police officer myself,” one man told another bystander. “Every time I come to Louisville, I see bulls–t like this. Y’all need to start doing something about this s–t. Expose it.”

Ransom was subsequently charged with resisting arrest, tampering with evidence, and possession of drugs, WDRB reported.

“People are always shocked when they see police have to use force,” Louisville Metro Council President David James told the WLKY. “Obviously, there was some use of force there.”

James said he didn’t know what transpired prior to the videos, and that he has spoken to police administrators about the incident.

He said he is confident they will conduct a thorough investigation into what occurred, and encouraged the department to release bodycam footage as soon as possible.

Louisville Fraternal Order of Police President Nicolai Jilek said that such altercations are dynamic and can become dangerous for officers very quickly.

“When they do get a hold of his hand, the violence stops,” Jilek said of the use of force seen in the video.

LMPD said they are conducting an internal review of the incident “as we do in every case where force is used by officers,” WHAS reported.

You can watch cell phone footage of the officers’ encounter with Ransom in the videos below:

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