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Video Claims Cops Arrested Man For Helping Drunk Neighbor, Then Truth Comes Out


Silver Spring, MD – A video of a man resisting arrest for drug possession while his neighbors swore at the police officers has gone viral (video below).

That’s not how the media reported it though.

Montgomery County police responded to a call about a man who was drunk and repeatedly falling down on a residential street in Silver Spring on the morning of Nov. 17, The Washington Post reported.

When police and EMS arrived, the distressed person was already gone.

In his place, officers encountered 23-year-old Samir Ahmed and “detected a strong odor of marijuana emanating” from him, WTOP reported according to court records.

Initially, police believed Ahmed was the person they had responded to assist.

But Ahmed told them he had already walked the distressed neighbor whom they were looking for to his home, according to The Washington Post.

When officers asked for the distressed man’s address, Ahmed refused to provide it.

Officers attempted to detain and search Ahmed for the marijuana they thought they smelled, but the man was having none of it.

He resisted arrest, but officers were able to handcuff him on the back of a nearby vehicle, and hold him while he struggled.

Officers found a baggie of marijuana on Ahmed when they searched him, The Washington Post reported.

The video, which is 18 minutes long and was filmed by a neighbor, began at that point.

The neighbor who was filming began yelling at the officers from the first moment he arrived on the scene.

He demanded to know why they were arresting Ahmed, and told police they had the wrong guy, over and over even as the suspect struggled with the officers.

The bystanders accused police of having stopped Ahmed because he was black.

At one point, a female Hispanic officer turned around and asked the neighbors “do I look white to you?”

“F–k the pigs,” Ahmed said repeatedly in the video, as he argued and swore at the officers.

The neighbor continued to demand details while the officers who were busy trying to handle Ahmed ignored him and waited for backup to arrive to clear the area around them.

“You have to answer. We know our Constitution,” the man filming informed the police.

Officers repeatedly asked the man filming to step back as he slid closer and closer to them.

“Have they read you your Miranda rights?” he asked Ahmed.

Then he proceeded to have a meltdown when he was told that the officers did not need to read the suspect Miranda at that time.

Miranda rights are only required to be read before an interrogation of a suspect who is in police custody.

Meantime, Ahmed continued to fight the officers who urged him to calm down and called them “dirty pigs.”

“You f–king fa–ot,” Ahmed warned one of the officers in the video. “Put my head up against this window one more time and I’m gonna find you.”

About halfway through the video, a woman somehow related to the man filming joined in and told him to go back inside.

“Get in the house – you black! Why did you f–king call the pigs?” she asked in the video.

She continued to tell him to stop filming and go inside, and he ignored her advice.

When additional officers arrived to help secure the area, officers moved Ahmed from the driveway to the back of a police car.

In the video, Ahmed can be heard swearing and screaming all the way to the transport vehicle.

The neighbors stayed on the sidewalk and continued screaming about wanting to talk to a supervisor.

Finally, a supervisor arrived on the scene, but the shenanigans from the neighbors only increased in volume.

The sergeant asked the neighbors to back off until he was done finding out what was happening, but the man filming the incident didn’t seem to be able to shut his mouth.

Eventually, with the suspect secured, two supervisors tried to talk to the outraged neighbors, but they were unable to because nobody would stop talking over them.

“You’re not letting me talk,” the sergeant informed the nosy neighbor as he attempted to answer a question they’d asked.

The neighbor continued to talk over them as he filmed, the video showed.

The other sergeant was very direct.

“We read people their rights when we’re going to question them,” he explained.

“Guy – I’m just trying to be educated,” the man filming told him, and then continued to talk over the police official.

“I’m going to leave because you don’t want to listen,” one of the sergeants informed the assembled neighbors.

As the scene wrapped up on the street, the video captured another neighbor as he told them all that he heard Ahmed cussing and screaming at the officers before they attempted to arrest him.

Court records showed that Ahmed was charged with resisting arrest, failure to obey a reasonably lawful order, obstructing and hindering, and disorderly conduct, according to The Washington Post. He was also cited for possession of marijuana.

Montgomery County police issued a statement that said bodycam video from the incident would not be released yet because of Ahmed’s ongoing criminal trial.

Watch the incident unfold in the video below:

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