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VIDEO: Boy Beaten By Bully After Bus Driver Ignores His Terrified Cries For Help


Locust Grove, OK – Police are investigating a video that went viral of a boy who begged and cried for the bus driver to let him off at his house instead of the bus stop so he wouldn’t get beaten by a bully waiting outside.

Instead, the bus driver yelled at the terrified boy to get off the bus.

As soon as the boy did, he was immediately attacked by an older student, according to KFSM. (Video below)

The cell phone video is 47 seconds long and was taken by another student. Just before the punches are thrown, the terrified boy made it clear he didn’t want to get off the bus and another person can be heard to threaten to force the student off the bus.

“You’re gonna kill and try to punch me,” the boy said to the other boy threatening him, according to KOTV.

“Hey, get outta here. Go!” an adult voice said on the video, according to the Mayes County Sheriff’s Office.

The school district stated that the incident was turned over to police and that the student’s and bus driver’s actions have been “addressed internally,” according to KJRH.

The school district refused to make any further comment about the employment status of the bus driver.

“The video is alarming itself and obviously, it’s enough to start an investigation,” said Mayes County Sheriff Department Major Rod Howell, according to KFSM.

Major Howell said police are looking at another cell phone video of the incident and two cameras on the bus.

“Not just visual but audio,” Major Howell said, according to KOTV. “That could possibly give us something of evidentiary value but it’s too early to tell.”

The school district is cooperating with police and trying to get the “black box” off the bus, according to KFSM.

You can see the disturbing video below:

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