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VIDEO: 78-Year-Old Man Beaten, Robbed, And Carjacked After Pulling In Restaurant


Las Vegas, NV – The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) has released shocking surveillance footage in an attempt to locate three men who brutally attacked a 78-year-old man during a carjacking (video below).

“Once you see this video, it should shock everybody,” LVMPD Captain Laz Chavez said during a press conference on Wednesday morning.

“This is one of our most vulnerable victims in Las Vegas — the elderly,” he added

“This man provided no resistance, and yet these men savagely beat him, took his car keys, took his cell phone, and even after they retrieved all that, they went back and beat him some more,” Capt. Chavez said.

The incident occurred at approximately 5 p.m. on Tuesday outside a restaurant on Fremont Street, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The retiree had just pulled into the parking lot, and was planning to head into the restaurant to pick up a meal.

But as he got out of his gold 2001 Ford Taurus, he “almost immediately [was] savagely attacked,” by three men, Capt. Chavez said.

A man in a white shirt approached the senior citizen and grabbed at something in the man’s hand, security footage showed.

Simultaneously, a man with a red backpack reached for the victim’s waistband from behind, and the third assailant shoved the elderly man to the ground.

The victim fell onto his back and attempted to cover his face and head while the third attacker punched him repeatedly.

The assailants left the injured man lying on the pavement, and sped off with his vehicle and cell phone, police said.

“He complied, gave his car keys, and yet he was still attacked,” Capt. Chavez said, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “This cannot be tolerated.”

The captain said he met with the victim at the hospital on Wednesday morning, and that he vowed to find the men responsible for the vicious attack.

“I promised him that this community would come together and do what we can to find these three men who, for no apparent reason, none whatsoever, attacked this man,” he said.

Capt. Chavez did not disclose the extent of the victim’s injuries, but said they were “pretty substantial.”

“His eyes are swollen, his face is beaten,” he said.

Police described the suspects as thinly-built black males in their late teens to early 20s, and said they believe they likely live in the area.

The captain specifically addressed the suspects during the press conference, and urged them to surrender.

“It’s time for you to turn yourselves in now,” he said. “Give him back his dignity.”

Capt. Chavez said that witnesses told police they have seen the men in the neighborhood in the past.

They also matched the description of several suspects associated with a series of attempted vehicle burglaries and other “low-level street crimes,” in the area, the captain noted.

He urged locals to watch the video closely, and to contact the LVMPD if they have information that might aid investigators.

Police said that apprehending the men had become the “number one priority of Downtown Area Command,” and that they will face numerous charges – including attempted murder, KTNV reported.

“If we don’t catch these men now, they could absolutely do this again to someone else,” Capt. Chavez said.

UPDATE: Fox5Vegas reports that four suspects were arrested Wednesday night, and that they had gone on a crime spree specifically targeting the elderly.

You can see security footage of the attack in the video below:

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