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Veteran NC Trooper Suspended Over Anti-Liberal Social Media Post


Raleigh, NC – A 23-year veteran of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation into a social media post he made expressing his personal opinions on a variety of issues.

“The State Highway Patrol is aware of the incident in question and is conducting an internal investigation,” State Highway Patrol Sergeant Michael Baker told The News & Observer on Thursday.

Sergeant Jonathan Whitley, who has served the State Highway Patrol since 1996, has been heavily criticized for an Instagram post he made under the username “jkwhitley2608,” according to the paper.

In the post, Sgt. Whitley said he wanted to share “a few random thoughts” before he went to bed.

He started off by declaring he would “never vote for a Democrat for any reason,” then later said he “can’t wait” to vote for President Donald Trump again.

“Ninety-nine percent of the media are anti-American, liberal supporting communist, and I can’t stand them,” Sgt. Whitley railed.

He also denounced the public education system, and referred to college campuses as “indoctrination centers.”

The sergeant praised America’s farmers, and asserted that “people [who] sue farmers should be starved to death.”

Critics were especially offended by his comments regarding inmates and suspects who fight with police.

“If you act like a fool toward police and you tote a beat down, don’t get on TV in hopes of getting your check,” Sgt. Whitley wrote. “The police already gave you what you deserve.”

He added that “prisoners should be busting rocks for 16 hours a day,” and that correctional officers “should be busting [the] heads” of those who refuse.

Sgt. Whitley blasted welfare and low-income housing programs, and argued that people should not expect to receive special treatment because of their race.

“I didn’t own a slave so I owe you nothing,” he said. “Including your HUD housing and EBT card…God gave me my ability, and I put in the work so you ain’t getting what’s mine.”

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He added that he has “no use” for “pathetic…weak leaders,” and pledged his “utmost respect” to the United States military and flag.

“I have the exact opposite for the NFL,” Sgt. Whitley noted. “I despise whiners. Do the job you are paid to do or quit.”

It was unclear what penalty the veteran trooper might face if he is found to be in violation of State Highway Patrol policy.

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