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Union: NYPD Promotes Commander Who Threatened To Kill Cops Who Didn’t Meet Quota


Staten Island, NY – The New York City Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) is protesting the impending promotion of a precinct commander who they claimed has a history of bullying and threatening the officers he supervises.

New York Police Department (NYPD) Captain Kenneth Noonan, who currently commands the department’s 123rd Precinct, is scheduled to be promoted to the rank of deputy inspector this week, the SBA said in a press release on Saturday.

“He makes his bones on us and then treats us like dirt,” one officer who came to protest Capt. Noonan’s promotion told the New York Post on Sunday. “He likes picking on new guys because they don’t know what a crap cop he was.”

“Guy kissed -ss to get up the cop ladder,” the unnamed officer added. “He’s essentially a paper cop, a phony.”

According to the SBA, Capt. Noonan has threatened to “punch” and “kill” officers “who did not adhere to his aggressive quota-driven agenda for arrests and summonses,” the press release read.

The union blasted the department for not addressing concerns about Capt. Noonan that had been raised over the past several months.

On Oct. 2, the 19-year department veteran allegedly blew up on NYPD Sergeant Kappa Farid after the sergeant was unable to update him on a case due to a computer issue, the New York Daily News reported.

Capt. Noonan initially threatened to issue a command discipline against Sgt. Farid, then allegedly told him he was on his way over.

“You know what?” he told the sergeant, according to the union. “I’m coming there. I’m gonna f–k you up.”

The incident was turned over to the Internal Affairs Bureau by a lieutenant, but the department said investigators were unable to substantiate the allegations, the New York Daily News reported.

During a protest outside the 123rd Precinct on Sunday, the union blasted an audio clip recorded during a supervisors’ meeting in 2017, during which Capt. Noonan had threatened the officers under his command.

“The old culture of the [123rd] Precinct is dead,” the captain said in the clip. “And anyone that wants to cling to that culture I’m going to kill, at this point, OK?…People will either acclimate or I’ll kill them.”

“Whether or not Capt. Noonan meant he was going to kill NYPD members in a figurative or literal sense is debatable, but it is obvious that he has an anger problem and should not be in charge of anyone or anything,” SBA President Ed Mullins said in the release.

“He has created a volatile climate by using fear and intimidation on police officers of all ranks,” Mullins railed.

The union president criticized NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill for rewarding Capt. Noonan despite the hostile work environment he has allegedly created.

“Basically, what we have is a bully,” Mullins said during the protest, according to the New York Daily News. “We have an angry guy who goes to work, pushes for numbers, and if you don’t conform, he abuses you. So why are we promoting this guy?”

The captain’s wife blasted Mullins while addressing reporters outside her home on Sunday.

“You know what? I’m gonna tell you something. This Ed Mullins? There’s something f—ed up about him,” she railed, according to the news outlet. “He’s a f—ed up person.”

Despite the backlash from the SBA, Captains Endowment Association President Roy Richter defended Capt. Noonan, and said he was being promoted “in recognition of the positive impact his leadership has had on the community,” the New York Daily News reported.

Mullins said he expects the captain will continue to “wreak havoc” in his new position by continuing to use the “same dictatorial management style” he utilized to command the 123rd Precinct, according to the release.

“For a department that continually stresses community, compassion, pride and respect in all of its interactions, his actions defy common sense and is indicative of the lack of leadership in the NYPD,” Mullins said.

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