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UC-Berkeley Banned Cops From Using Public Restrooms To Protect Student Feelings


Berkeley, CA – Police officers who worked the protests against conservative speakers at University of California – Berkeley in 2017 were asked not to use the public restrooms on campus.

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) obtained a copy of a letter via a public information request that revealed University of California Police Department (UCPD) officers were told they couldn’t use the restroom nearest to where they were staging because “it was upsetting some students.”

The letter was written to the university’s chancellor, Carol Christ, by an unnamed UCPD security patrol officer.

It explained that the police department had set up an area in the ballroom inside the Martin Luther King Student Union for officers and staff to eat and rest during the free speech week.

Numerous police officers from multiple agencies all over the state were brought in to assist with anticipated violent protests when right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak on the Berkeley campus.

It is customary to provide a safe place for law enforcement officers to take breaks.

The officer, who said he had been a member of the UCPD for 25 years, told the chancellor he wasn’t bothered when they were all asked to use the exterior stairwell so as not to disrupt the normal comings and goings of students during that week.

However, he told the chancellor that he was seriously offended when the police were told they should not use the public restrooms in the student union.

“I find this offensive and unacceptable…” the officer wrote.

“How can we foster a sense of community policing when the campus community, that we work hard to protect, has such disdain for us as fellow human beings that would deny us such a basic human function,” he continued.

“If we treated a member of the campus community in this way we would most certainly be held accountable and rightly so,” the officer lectured the chancellor.

UC-Berkeley Spokesman Dan Mogulof told FOX News that the incident referred to in the officer’s letter was had occurred.

“Some students did express concern about uniformed officers using restrooms in the student center building, and the campus police department was made aware of their request,” Mogulof said. “While UCPD command staff understand that a police presence can be upsetting to some, they made clear that complying with the request would not be possible given the number of police presence on campus during the day in question.”

Mogulof told FOX News that the university was promoting understanding and avoiding unnecessary conflict with the request.

“We have nothing but the deepest respect and appreciation for the law enforcement officers who work hard to keep out community safe,” he said. “At the same time, the campus administration and the UCPD are aware that the extraordinary number of extra officers we needed at that time to uphold our paired commitments to Free Speech and security was disconcerting to some.”

But YAF Spokesman Spencer Brown said that the university was doing the exact opposite, and teaching students not to trust the police instead.

He told FOX News that UC-Berkeley wasn’t preparing students for the real world.

“Berkeley is treating its police officers as second-class citizens, giving preferential treatment again to the apparently-fragile students and disrespecting the very people who protect them from the likes of Antifa,” Brown said. “Not only has UC Berkeley disrespected its officers by putting them in harm’s way without allowing them to do their jobs via a stand-down order during campus protests, but they’ve now disgracefully told officers that they can’t use the same bathrooms as students.”

For a police officer who had given so many years of service to the school, the insult of being banned from a public restroom was too much to process.

“I can say, without question, that I have never been treated with such disrespect and disregard for me and my coworkers as I was during the free speech event,” the officer wrote to the chancellor.

“We have done nothing to warrant the dehumanizing and bullying behavior that we and our partner agencies experienced this week,” he wrote.

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