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Two Gunmen Destroyed In Gunfight After Shooting Four Houston Police Officers


Houston, TX – Two suspects were killed in a gunfight after shooting four Houston police officers Monday evening.

It was initially reported that five officers had been shot, but it was later determined that one officer was injured by a manner other than gunfire, according to Chief Art Acevedo.

The incident started at around 4:15 p.m. as narcotics officers were investigating a tip for heroin sales in the 7800 block of Harding St, Chief Acevedo said at a press conference Monday night.

The officers developed probable cause and obtained a search warrant.

Just before 5 p.m., a dozen narcotics officers and half a dozen uniformed officers gathered to serve the search warrant.

As officers approached the front door, they announced themselves as police and brought a marked patrol unit in front of the house. An officer turned on the patrol car siren to announce officers’ presence.

Immediately upon reaching the door, two suspects inside of the house opened fire on officers with semi automatic weapons.

During the gunfight, four officers were shot and a fifth was wounded. Both gunmen were destroyed when officers returned fire.

SWAT later arrived, cleared the residence with a robot, and verified that both gunmen were dead.

Two officers were shot in the neck and are in critical, but stable condition. The other shot officers are being treated for gunshot wounds to their extremities.

The officers have not been identified.

Our thoughts and prayers remain with the officers and their families.

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