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Twitter Bans Ex-FBI Agent After Blaming Shooting On Dems, Allows Anti-Semitism


San Francisco, CA – A former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who accused the Democratic party of being responsible for a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue has been suspended from Twitter.

However, the social media platform has refused to suspend the account of a Nation of Islam leader who referred to Jewish people as insects.

Former FBI agent John Guandolo is a controversial figure who has been hired by law enforcement agencies in the past to provide “Muslim threat” training.

His training has been heavily criticized for calling Islam a “barbaric and evil system,” according to San Angelo Standard-Times.

He posted a tweet condemning the Democratic party in the wake of gunman Robert Bowers’ attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue, The Arizona Republic reported.

Bowers, 48, burst into the place of worship just before 10 a.m. on Saturday, yelling, “All Jews must die!” KDKA reported.

During his 20-minute attack, he killed eleven people, and injured two other members of the congregation, as well as four police officers, according to USA Today.

“Shooter in Pittsburgh – Robert Bowers – is a product of the Marxist Party of America’s call for violence (DEMOCRATS),” Guandolo wrote in the since-deleted tweet, according to The Arizona Republic. “Remember Nazis were socialists…leftists. Remember the KKK is a DEMOCRAT organization. #BanDemocrats.”

By Sunday afternoon, the tweet was deleted and Guandolo’s account was suspended.

Meanwhile, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s video tweet comparing Jewish people to insects remains on the social media site, having garnered over three million views as of Monday morning.

“I’m not an anti-Semite,” Farrakhan captioned the video clip. “I’m anti-Termite.”

“Now, white folk don’t like Farrakhan,” he said in the video. “In fact, to the members of the Jewish community that don’t like me, thank you very much…I’m not mad at you because you’re so stupid.”

“So, when they talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater, call me an anti-Semite – stop it! I’m anti-termite!” he said.

Farrakhan’s statements appeared to conflict with Twitter’s expanded policies regarding “dehumanizing speech,” which is aimed at banning abusive behavior, BuzzFeed News reported.

In September, Twitter’s Vice President of Trust and Safety Del Harvey said abusive posts would include, “Statements along the lines of ‘All members of protected group X are dogs or rats or whatever,’” according to BuzzFeed News.

In a recent blog post, Twitter described “dehumanizing” tweets as “language that treats others as less than human,” BuzzFeed News reported. “Examples can include comparing groups to animals and viruses [animalistic], or reducing groups to a tool for some other purpose [mechanistic].”

But according to a Twitter spokesperson, Farrakhan’s post does not violate any existent policies, because the new rule has not gone into effect, BuzzFeed News reported.

It remains unclear when the new policy might be implemented, and the spokesperson did not say whether Farrakhan’s statements would be considered a violation.

In July, Twitter sanctioned Farrakhan by removing his special “verified” status after he issued another antisemitic tweet.

“Thoroughly and completely unmasking the Satanic Jew and the Synagogue of Satan,” he wrote, according to BuzzFeed News.

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