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TV Anchor Suspended Then Resigns After He Defends Justice Kavanaugh On Facebook


Palm Springs, CA – A California TV news anchor who defended Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on a Facebook post has resigned after he was suspended by the TV station.

Kris Long resigned his position as news anchor from KESQ after he wrote a 400-word Facebook post.

Gulf California Broadcast Company General Manager Jerry Upham wrote Oct. 5 that the Palm Springs CBS affiliate accepted Long’s resignation “effective immediately,” according to the Palm Springs Desert Sun. Long had been off TV since Sept. 17.

“Kris Long has been an integral part of this company’s news organization and we’d like to thank him for his many years of service,” Upham wrote, according to the Palm Springs Desert Sun.

“I want to thank those who have offered support and apologize again for any I may have offended,” Long said, according to the Palm Springs Desert Sun. “I hope to return to the news business in the future.”

Long told the Palm Springs Desert Sun in an interview before he resigned he stood by his Facebook post. He said he condemns rape and understood why some victims of sexual assault opt not to report the crime immediately.

“I wish I hadn’t a written (the post) because it’s caused me a lot of headache,” he told the Palm Springs Desert Sun.

According to Deadline Hollywood, Long started his Facebook post by supporting the #MeToo movement.

“I have absolutely no sympathy for the increasingly long list of well-known names who have fallen from grace because they thought with their little head and not their big one,” Long wrote.

“You are beyond dreaming if you think 17-year-old boys are not going to misbehave from time to time as they begin to attempt relationships with the opposite sex,” Long wrote. “That is just the way animals are made!”

In Long’s Facebook post, he wrote that “few things are more serious than rape.” But the anchor said he had an issue with the timing of Ford’s claim and that it “stinks of political maneuvering.”

Long said in his Facebook post if he were nominated for the Supreme Court, “they might have to enlarge the Senate hearing room to accommodate all the young women from the mid to late 1960’s who felt that I had tried to go a bit too far!”

Long did delete the Facebook post and replaced it with an apology.

Long’s Facebook post had more than 160 comments in the hours after Long posted it.

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