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Trump Condemns ‘Vilification’ Of Police, Says He’s Sending Feds To Chicago


Orlando, FL – President Donald Trump spoke to an international gathering of law enforcement on Monday in Orlando, and promised unparalleled support to the men and women he called a “room of heroes.”

The President spoke at the 125th anniversary celebration of the International Association of Chiefs of Police on Oct. 8, and reaffirmed his commitment to the men and women of law enforcement and their families.

“On behalf of all Americans, I want to express our eternal gratitude for what you do every single day to protect our families defend our streets and take down criminals. And what you do is keep America safe, and nobody does it better than you,” he began his speech.

The President defended the nation’s law enforcement officers in his speech.

“We understand that reducing crime begins with respecting law enforcement. For too many years we have watched politicians escalate political attacks on our courageous police officers – and I’ve never seen it more than over the last few years. It’s disgraceful,” President Trump told the assembled group.

“Politicians who spread this dangerous anti-police sentiment make life easier for criminals, and more dangerous for law-abiding citizens,” the President continued. “And they also make it more dangerous for police, and it must stop. And it must stop now.”

He committed to making sure police officers have the equipment needed to do their jobs, and said he intended to continue making military surplus equipment available to local law enforcement agencies, “whereas others didn’t want you to have that equipment for very strange reasons.”

“They said it looked too tough, it looked too strong. It’s not a good look. You have people shooting at you and they’re worried about your look. Someday you’ll explain that one to me please. I don’t quite get it. ‘Splain it!” President Trump told an enthusiastic audience.

The President also addressed the violent crime and murder rate in Chicago directly, and said he was sending in federal authorities to “straighten out” what has become a “blight” on the city.

He called for Chicago to reinstate the controversial “stop and frisk” policies that former Mayor Rudy Giuliani used to clean up New York City in the 1990s.

“It works. And it was meant for problems like Chicago… ‘Stop and frisk’ works,” the President insisted.

He also said that Chicago police were more than able to take care of the problem if the politicians would back off and let them do their jobs without interference.

President Trump talked about the most recent shootings of police officers, and said “when a police officer is assaulted or killed, it is a wound inflicted upon our entire nation.”

“In order to keep every American safe, we are also making officer safety a top priority,” he promised.

“In 2016, an officer was assaulted in America on an average of every nine minutes. Is this even believable? Last week, seven officers were shot in Florence, South Carolina… One was killed… Our hearts break for the family of fallen Officer Terrence Carraway, we pray for his loved ones and for the officers who are still recovering,” President Trump said.

The President promised to work to shorten the time period required for convicted cop killers to negotiate the appeals process so that the murdered officers’ families wouldn’t have to wait 20 years for justice to be served.

He made a point to tell the assembled law enforcement officers that they weren’t as hated as they might feel.

“I don’t think you understand how much our country loves you and the job you’re doing. You don’t hear it from them… I know their true feelings. You don’t hear it from the media, but I know these people and the people of our country love you,” President Trump assured them.

The President touted the recent addition of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court as good for the law enforcement community and the country.

“Today, I stand before you as President of the United States to tell you that my administration will always honor cherish and support the men and women in blue, and we are proud to do it,” President Trump promised the room of law enforcement officers.

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