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Thanksgiving Family Argument About NFL Players Kneeling Ends With Shotgun Blast


Cary, N.C. – A Thanksgiving Day argument between two adult brothers over National Football League (NFL) players kneeling for the National Anthem ended with a shotgun blast.

Jorge Luis Valencia Lamadrid, 51, said his 21-year-old son, Esteban Marley Valencia, had a lot to drink during the day on Nov. 22, according to WNCN

Then Esteban got into a disagreement with his older brother, 27-year old Felipe Miguel Valencia, about NFL players taking a knee during the National Anthem, just as the family was sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner.

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started the highly controversial kneeling on the field during the Star Spangled Banner in August of 2016 as a protest of police brutality.

NFL management has struggled for three years to keep football players happy while stopping the exodus of fans from many stadiums.

Police said Esteban turned the holiday argument about kneeling into a physical confrontation with his older brother.

So Lamadrid told his Esteban to leave the house, WNCN reported.

Esteban and Felipe began to scuffle, and Esteban charged Felipe.

Their father wasn’t able to stop the fight, so he told police he went and got his shotgun to try and diffuse the situation.

When Lamadrid returned with his shotgun over his arm, both sons left to the backyard.

But then Esteban returned to the house and started arguing with his father, again.

That’s when Lamadrid took Esteban’s bags and put them outside on the back porch.

Family members told the News & Observer that Esteban began throwing patio furniture around the back yard and at his father.

Lamadrid told police that Esteban had thrown a water bottle at him, and that it hit him in the face.

That caused him to squeeze the trigger on the shotgun, and accidentally fire one shot.

The shot struck Esteban in the hand and leg, wounding him, but his injuries were not life-threatening.

After checking on his son’s condition, Lamadrid got dressed and waited for the police to arrive and arrest him, WNCN reported.

Lamadrid was charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury in connection with the shooting.

He has since bonded out of jail, according to WNCN.

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