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Stormy Daniels Sues Cops, Claims They Arrested Her For President Trump


Columbus, OH – The stripper who claimed she had an affair with President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against the four vice officers who arrested her at a strip club in Columbus in 2018.

Stephanie Clifford, who strips by the name of Stormy Daniels, was performing a show as part of her “Make American Horny Again” tour at the adult entertainment club Sirens in July of 2018 when she was alleged to have touched three different police officers in an illegal manner, according to WCMH.

Court documents said Clifford forced patrons’ faces into her breasts and used her bare breasts to smack patrons during her performance, WCMH reported.

Clifford also fondled the breasts and buttocks of female patrons in the strip club, including a female police officer, according to the probable cause affidavit filed with the Franklin County court.

An Ohio law passed in 2007, known as the “Ohio Stripper Bill,” instituted a no-touch rule between strippers and club patrons. The law prohibited nude, or partially nude, dancers from touching customers, and vice versa, FOX News reported.

However, a loophole in the Ohio Revised Code that governs the behavior of strippers in adult clubs was meant it only to applies to dancers who make repeated performances at the venue, according to the prosecutor.

The same rules don’t apply to guest strippers, so the charges against Clifford were dropped.

On Monday, attorneys for Clifford filed a lawsuit against the Columbus police officers that alleged they violated her civil rights when they arrested her on July 11, 2018, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

The lawsuit accused Columbus Division of Police Officers Shana Keckley, Whitney Lancaster, Mary Praither, and Steven Rosser of targeting her for political reasons, and alleged they were all Republicans or supporters of President Trump.

In the lawsuit, Clifford’s attorney cited social media postings and emails between the vice officers, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

Clifford’s lawsuit is seeking a minimum of $2 million in damages for malicious prosecution, false arrest, civil conspiracy to violate her rights, abuse of process, and defamation.

The lawsuit alleged that the vice officer “believed that Ms. Clifford was damaging President Trump and they thereafter entered into a conspiracy to arrest her during her performance in Columbus in retaliation for the public statements she had made regarding President Trump.”

“By maliciously releasing false statements to public newspapers and broadcasters and on social media platforms strongly implying Ms. Clifford was engaged in immoral conduct… defendants defamed Ms. Clifford, causing injury to her reputation and exposing her to contempt, ridicule, shame and disgrace in the community,” it read.

The lawsuit was filed by local attorneys, but Clifford’s controversial lead attorney Michael Avenatti is also listed.

Clifford and Avenatti recently bumped heads after she publicly accused him of having filed the lawsuit against the President without her permission.

She lost her defamation case against President Trump and the court has ordered her to pay his legal fees.

The Columbus Dispatch reported that Officers Lancaster and Rosser were “relieved of duty” following a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into the vice unit that was prompted by Clifford’s arrest.

The vice unit resumed operations in December of 2018, but working under a new set of rules created by Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs and Deputy Chief Tim Becker.

Under the new rules, vice detectives can’t go into strip clubs without prior permission from Chief Jacobs or Deputy Chief Becker, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

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