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Police: Man Spits At, Kicks Cops


St. Charles County, MO – A Missouri man who allegedly spit and kicked police while resisting arrest is complaining about police brutality.

Robby Barnes said he and a friend were driving to buy drugs just before 2 a.m. on Oct. 23 when they were stopped by Woodson Terrace police officers for a headlight violation, KSDK reported.

“They whip out behind us because they see a headlight out,” said Barnes, who was in the passenger seat.

Barnes claimed that when the officers asked him to get out of the vehicle, he immediately told them he was in possession of drug paraphernalia.

“I tell them, ‘I have a scale on me. It’s in my right-hand pocket,” he told KSDK.

According to Barnes, the officers then viciously beat him without provocation, leaving him with injuries to his face, head, and shoulders.

But the Woodson Terrace Police Department told the news outlet that Barnes resisted arrest by kicking and spitting at them, resulting in him being taken to the ground on the gravel road where the stop occurred.

On Thursday, Woodson Terrace Police Department Public Information Officer Sergeant Rob Kolberer told Blue Lives Matter that the confrontation actually occurred in the parking lot of an old auto repair building.

“He was fighting, resisting, and non-compliant with verbal commands,” Sgt. Kolberer explained.

Barnes was taken to the ground on the “cracked and chipped” asphalt in the abandoned lot, he said.

During an interview with KSDK, Barnes showed the injuries to his shoulders, which appeared consistent with road rash.

Barnes claimed the officers had kicked him, causing the injuries.

“You can see the boot marks on my shoulders where they straight stomped on me,” he said. “I was literally spitting out blood and my own hair.”

Sgt. Kolberer told Blue Lives Matter that the officers involved in Barnes’ arrest completed mandatory use-of-force reports as part of their documentation of the incident, as per policy.

“There were no red flags to indicate to supervisors or administrators that the officers did anything inappropriate,” the sergeant said.

He also disputed Barnes’ claim that the officers had “stomped” on him.

Sgt. Kolberer noted that the driver of the vehicle complied with the officers’ instructions.

“The driver didn’t get taken down and didn’t have any injuries,” he said.

Barnes’ father, Robert, said that Barnes has been in trouble with the law in the past, but claimed that he didn’t pose a risk to police, KSDK reported.

Robert contended that his son has a small stature and suffers from drug addiction, and said he didn’t see how he could have possibly fought with the officers.

“Everybody knows somebody who’s got problems with this epidemic, but that don’t give you the right to beat somebody,” Robert said. “He’s 120 pounds! How could it be this young man assaulted two police officers?”

Sgt. Kolberer told Blue Lives Matter that Barnes told police he had used narcotics prior to his arrest, and that he later apologized profusely for fighting with the officers who took him into custody.

Barnes blamed his actions on the fact that he was “high,” the sergeant said.

The officers did not suffer any injuries that warranted medical attention, according to Sgt. Kolberer.

Robert vowed to get justice for his son, according to KSDK.

“There has to be some justice somewhere, and I’m not gotta let it lie until there is some,” he said.

Barnes was arrested on four offenses, including assault on a law enforcement officer, KSDK reported.

Sgt. Kolberer told Blue Lives Matter that he is not at liberty to disclose the nature of the offenses Barnes was arrested for, because he has not yet been formally charged by prosecutors.

As of Thursday morning, Barnes has not contacted the police department to complain about the officers’ alleged conduct during his arrest, Sgt. Kolberer added.

With a lack of a complaint from Barnes and no indication of inappropriate conduct in the officers’ reports, there has not been a need to conduct an internal investigation into the officers’ actions, he said.

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