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Pittsburgh Synagogue Terrorist Identified As Robert Bowers; Here’s What We Know


Pittsburgh, PA – At least eight people are dead with four police officers wounded after a terrorist attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue Saturday morning.

The gunman has been identified as 48-year-old Robert Bowers, according to KDKA.

At around 10 a.m. the gunman entered the synagogue and opened fire while yelling “all Jews must die!”

During his shooting spree, he killed at least eight people, and shot the first responding officers.

During the extended gunfight, the gunman shot a SWAT officer and was injured himself. He eventually surrendered to authorities. The extent of his injuries are unclear.

The officer’s injuries are believed to be non-life threatening. UPDATE: One officer is in critical condition.

What We Know About Robert Bowers

Bowers is a 48-year-old male who was described during the attack as a “heavy-set white male with a beard,” according to KDKA.

He was reportedly armed with an AR-15 style rifle and multiple handguns.

Bowers was active on social media platform Gab, where his bio says, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.”

On the platform he allegedly called President Trump a “globalist” and said that he didn’t vote for him.

“Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90’s to be ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.”

“#Qanon” references a conspiracy theory where an anonymous internet poster claims to be a government insider fighting an anti-American shadow government.

President Trump has responded to the attack saying that the event was far more devastating than originally thought, and said that the synagogue should have had armed security.

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