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NYPD Sgt. Under Investigation, Accused Of Shoving Panties In Detective’s Mouth


Brooklyn, NY – A Brooklyn police sergeant is under investigation after she was accused of shoving a pair of dirty underwear in a male co-worker’s face.

The incident occurred on Oct. 7 when New York Police Department (NYPD) Detective Victor Falcon complained to NYPD Sergeant Ann Marie Guerra about her habit of leaving underwear lying around the unisex locker room, the New York Daily News reported.

Sources told the New York Daily News that when Det. Falcon complained about Sgt. Guerra’s dirty dainties at the 72nd Precinct Detective Squad offices, the 38-year-old sergeant lost her temper.

Sgt. Guerra allegedly ran over and rubbed a dirty panty in Det. Falcon’s face, sources said.

“They are f–king clean!” she screamed, the New York Daily News reported.

But the underwear supposedly went into the detective’s mouth, and three days after the incident, a complaint was filed against the 38-year-old mother of two with NYPD’s Equal Opportunity Employment office, the New York Post reported.

“She had an EEO put on her by the precinct detective-unit lieutenant for literally putting her panties in a fellow male detective’s open mouth,” a source told the New York Post.

The source said Sgt. Guerra was in the habit of leaving her panties – frequently thongs – hanging on the doorknob of the unisex shower or on the outside of her locker for all the world to see.

“She is a piece of work,” one source told the New York Daily News. “She is always emasculating men and commenting on the size of their anatomy. She’s a bullying man-hater.”

Sgt. Guerra is the squad room’s second-in-command, and as such has the responsibility for approving overtime and changing detectives’ shifts.

Det. Falcon’s complaint also alleged that Sgt. Guerra has consistently delayed approving his overtime requests and has denied shift change requests to allow him to attend custody hearings regarding his autistic son, sources said.

“In the push for gender equality, she’s made it — just not in a good way,” the source the New York Daily News.

In the past, sources said Sgt. Guerra has posted snarky remarks about her fellow officers’ manhoods on social media.

“She has been on social media spouting man-hating rhetoric about fellow sergeants having ‘little d–ks,’” the source told the New York Post.

An NYPD spokesperson told Blue Lives Matter that their Office of Equal Employment was conducting the department’s investigation into the allegations.

Sgt. Guerra remained on full duty and has not yet been charged with any departmental infractions, the New York Daily News reported.

“She’s still there, poking fun at Falcon,” a source told the New York Daily News.

Another source defended the sergeant and said she hadn’t been trying to gag the detective with her panties.

The source said Sgt. Guerra merely rubbed Det. Falcon’s nose in her panties, and said the story has been exaggerated by the squad room banter.

The allegations against Sgt. Guerra were only the latest problems in the 72nd Precinct.

Officials took the badge and gun away from NYPD Detective Manuel Rodriguez in September over allegations that he participated in a prostitution and gambling ring that was being run by a former NYPD officer. Several other officers from other precincts were also suspended as part of that operation.

Court papers showed that 72nd Precinct Commander Deputy Inspector Emmanuel Gonzalez was recently sued by a club owner who accused him of a shakedown for more than $80,000 in plane tickets to Puerto Rico, the New York Daily News reported.

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