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NYPD Sergeant Busted For Cheating On Cop Girlfriend With Married Subordinate


New York, NY – An angry female New York Police Department (NYPD) officer who caught her boyfriend cheating with another married cop got revenge by posting incriminating photos on Instagram.

NYPD officials first saw evidence of the indecent affair on Dec. 30, 2018, when they were tipped off about the Instagram photos on Sergeant Kandou Worley’s account, sources told the New York Daily News.

Sgt. Worley claimed the pictures were posted to his Instagram account by his angry girlfriend, Officer Tyeis Coppin.

The pictures featured Sgt. Worley kissing his subordinate, Officer Stephanie Gallardo, whose husband is also an NYPD officer.

Sgt. Worley, Officer Gallardo, and Officer Gallardo’s husband were all members of NYPD’s elite SWAT team, the New York Daily News reported.

An internal police department report that was provided to the newspaper said that Officer Gallardo had confirmed Sgt. Worley’s account of what happened when she was interviewed by NYPD’s Internal Affairs unit.

They both said that Officer Coppin had found out about their relationship, and in a fit of rage, she got into Sgt. Worley’s Instagram account and posted the inflammatory images.

The New York Daily News reported that one image showed the sergeant kissing Officer Gallardo, another showed her sitting on his lap, and a third showed Sgt. Worley posed behind his married mistress.

“I told my girl I loved her 10 mins b4 I f–ked this one,” read one picture’s caption.

Another picture featured the caption “She’s someone’s wife, she’s not my girl tho. I have one and this is not her!!!!”

The internal report said that Officer Gallardo told officials that she and her husband were separated, although they still lived together.

It also said that Officer Gallardo told investigators she was never intimate with Sgt. Worley beyond kissing, the New York Daily News reported.

Sources said that after the interview with Officer Gallardo, NYPD officials took away four 9mm handguns from Sgt. Worley.

The sergeant could be in deep trouble for having an intimate relationship with a subordinate officer under his command, sources told the New York Daily News.

NYPD officials also took weapons away from Officer Gallardo, her husband, and Officer Coppin, but those weapons have since been returned to those officers.

Sources told the New York Daily News that the guns were all removed as a precaution in the immediate aftermath of the social media posts, but that none of the officers had threatened each other.

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