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North Dakota Trooper Refused Service At KFC/Taco Bell


Devils Lake, ND – A uniformed North Dakota Highway Patrol trooper was denied service at a combination Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell restaurant in Devils Lake, after an employee claimed that the trooper was only there to harass him.

The incident occurred over the weekend of Oct. 6, when the unnamed trooper stopped by the restaurant on his lunch break, WDAZ reported.

“No,” the employee allegedly said when the trooper attempted to place his order.

The employee, who does have a lengthy history of criminal offenses, accused the trooper of harassment and claimed that the trooper had arrested him in the past.

According to the North Dakota Highway Patrol, the trooper had just transferred to the Devils Lake area from another region in the state.

He had never arrested the irate employee, WDAZ reported.

While the trooper and a manager were discussing the issue, the employee called 911 to report that he was being harassed by the trooper, according to the news outlet.

But the employee directed the 911 dispatcher not to send any officers to the restaurant, and alleged that they would do nothing but harass him, as well.

In the meantime, the manager gave the trooper his order.

On Tuesday, Kentucky Fried Chicken issued an apology, and said they had spoken with the trooper, WDAZ reported.

“The franchise who owns this location is conducting an investigation of this matter,” the company said in a statement.

“The franchisee has contacted the trooper who was involved to apologize and assure him of their ongoing support of law enforcement,” they wrote.

It was unclear whether the employee would face discipline.

The corporate office also said they would cater a free lunch for the entire North Dakota Highway Patrol regional office.

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