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Newly-Released Video Shows Shooter’s Gunfight With Cops At Trump Doral Hotel


Doral, FL – Prosecutors released surveillance video of the May gunfight inside the Trump National Doral Golf Club (video below).

Authorities said 42-year-old Jonathan Oddi lured police into an ambush at President Donald Trump’s golf resort at about 1:30 a.m. on May 18.

Police previously released bodycam footage just a few days after the former Miami porn actor broke into the resort owned by President Trump that showed much of what took place from the officers’ perspective.

The recently released video was taken from surveillance cameras inside the resort and has no audio.

Police said that after Oddi broke into the resort, he proceeded to take down and steal an American flag.

The video showed front desk employees leaving just before Oddi walked into camera range with a pistol in his right hand. He was dressed entirely in black and was barefoot.

Then he turned around and went back out, and then came back to the front desk carrying the American flag he’d snatched from out front, the video showed.

Oddi fired several shots into the lobby of the ceiling, and then proceeded to set his gun on top of the front desk while he tried to spread the flag out across the length of the counter.

Then he stopped to put socks on his feet, the video showed, and proceeded to trash the lobby, hurling works of art and other objects, the Miami Herald reported.

Once that was accomplished, he tried to fix the flag on the counter, and managed to drop his pistol on the lobby’s tile floor in the process.

The video showed Oddi walked around the front desk, and as he passed the security camera that was filming, he took a couple of swipes at it with his pistol, but couldn’t manage to knock it out.

Then he went behind the counter and tried to straighten out the flag again because it kept dropping back to the floor.

When police arrived outside the front doors across from the lobby, Oddi remained behind the counter, screaming and waving his gun at them, the video showed.

Then he picked up an object and began smashing all the computers and other office equipment that was on the front desk.

At one point he put his gun down on the counter inside the front desk, out of view of the police, and then put his hands up in the air as if to surrender, the video showed.

A few seconds later, Oddi ducked down, and then grabbed his gun again and engaged officers in a wild gunfight over the front desk that looked like something out of the movies.

Then he made a run for it, firing back over his shoulder as he scooted out from behind the front desk.

The surveillance video from another spot in the lobby showed Oddi running across the floor, sliding in his socks and slipping and falling, and then getting back up to flee again.

An officer pursued him through the lobby, the video showed. Police said Oddi was shot in the legs as he ran away, according to the Miami Herald.

Oddi ran up a flight of stairs two at a time and then began throwing furniture, as if to block the path of the officer pursuing him.

Then he sat down on the top step and looked at his legs, before jumping back up to flee from the officer headed up the stairs.

When the officer got to the landing, the video showed Oddi upended a coffee table at him before he began following police commands.

The video showed Oddi went to the ground on his stomach, as if in response to officer’s commands that cannot be heard on the video.

Then the officer put Oddi in handcuffs.

Oddi’s attorneys, Christopher DeCoste and Tara Kawass, have suggested their client was suffering from insanity at the time of the incident, the Miami Herald reported.

They said their client had suffered a mental breakdown and was “extremely sorry” for shooting up the President’s golf resort.

“A defendant can be found not guilty by reason of insanity. The evidence would support such a finding. The end would not result in outright release, but rather intensive and clearly necessary treatment,” they said.

Oddi remained in jail charged with attempted murder of police officers and armed burglary of the hotel.

The Miami Herald reported that Oddi previously worked as a stripper for a website called Dancing Bear that produced porn videos.

You can see the gunfight in the video below:

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