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Matthew McConaughey Brings Lunch To Houston Police Officers


Houston, TX – Actor Matthew McConaughey honored Houston’s finest on Sunday by delivering lunch to the Houston Police Department for National First Responders Day.

McConaughey partnered up with Wild Turkey to treat officers to a special lunch of actual turkey and Wild Turkey bourbon, KPRC reported.

A periscope video filmed by Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner showed McConaughey wheeling in a cart heavily laden with goodies for a group of officers who applauded his arrival.

“It’s our pleasure and honor to be here today – which happens to be National First Responders Day,” the actor greeted the happy room.

“Thank you all – specifically for the first responder work you did with Harvey last August… We talked with the mayor earlier – that’s an ongoing effort by everybody. But I just want to keep the light shined on it and say thank you,” McConaughey said.

Officials recognized a few outstanding officers who were present for the lunch, some of whom are involved in the Houston PD’s anti-human trafficking unit.

“I just did something with the attorney general – you seen that PSA we did on human trafficking?” McConaughey asked.

Some of the officers replied that they had seen it.

“Yeah, I had no idea like most people. We all think that’s a third-world country problem,” he told them.

McConaughey stayed for lunch with the Houston police and posed for a lot of pictures with his hometown heroes.

The mayor bragged about the Houston police, and compared them to Chicago.

He pointed out to McConaughey that they patrol twice as much territory with half as many police officers as Chicago. And then he pointed out that the crime rate in Houston is one-third as high as that notorious city.

The actor also made time to visit with the Houston Fire Department while he was in town, and delivered them lunch on Sunday afternoon, too.

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