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Man Robs Restaurant With Fake Gun, Firefighter Stops Him With Real Bullets


Ukiah, CA – An off-duty firefighter shot an armed robber multiple times as he attempted to rob a Subway sandwich shop on Dec. 12.

The incident occurred just before 7:30 p.m. after a would-be robber entered the Subway restaurant in the Pear Treat Shopping Center and asked to use the bathroom, according to The Mendocino Voice.

When he returned from the restroom, the suspect was holding a Subway employee at gunpoint.

The 20-year-old armed robber stole $600 from the restaurant before he started to make his getaway.

That’s when a customer with a concealed-carry permit stepped in and opened fire on the robber at close range, The Mendocino Voice reported.

Despite his wounds, the robber escaped from the restaurant but then collapsed in the parking lot.

Ukiah police arrived on the scene to find the robber bleeding from his wounds outside the business.

Witnesses told the officer that the bleeding man had just robbed the Subway, The Mendocino Voice reported.

The Ukiah officer rendered First Aid to the suspect until paramedics arrived, police said.

The suspect was airlifted to the hospital where he was taken into surgery immediately for treatment of his wounds.

Ukiah Police Lieutenant Cedric Crook told The Mendocino Voice that the suspect’s gun was not a real gun.

The suspect carried a toy, or replica, BB gun that was designed to look like a real weapon, Lt. Crook said.

Police said the legally-armed customer fired his weapon three times and struck the suspect twice, according to The Mendocino Voice.

Three bullet casings were found at the scene, police said.

Police said the Good Samaritan who shot the robber was an off-duty firefighter who was in Ukiah because his wife was in labor at the hospital, according to The Mendocino Voice.

The man who shot the robber was one of the people who called police immediately after the incident occurred.

Police interviewed the soon-to-be father and released him, The Mendocino Voice reported. They said it was unlikely that any charges would be filed against him.

Authorities said there may have been at least one more accomplice after reviewing the surveillance video, according to The Ukiah Daily Journal.

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