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Man Helps Teen Girl Kill Herself, Said It Was Like ‘Getting Away With Murder’


Payson, UT – A Utah teenager who helped a girl hang herself last year while recording a video of it was sentenced Friday to five years to life in prison in a plea deal.

Tyerell Przybycien, 19, recorded the suicide of 16-year-old Jchandra Brown on his cell phone in May of 2017, according to CNN. Brown’s body was found the next day.

Przybycien bought the rope and tied the noose that Brown then put around her neck. He also bought the compressed air that Brown bought to knock herself out before dying, according to CNN.

Przybycien also recorded the suicide in a 10-minute video in which he provided commentary.

He told a friend that it was “awesome” and like “getting away with murder,” according to The Daily Mail.

However, he was actually charged with first-degree murder. He later agreed to plea deal which allowed him to only plead guilty to child abuse homicide.

His lawyer had asked the judge to sentence Przybycien to two years in jail and five years of probation, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

“What I did I’m not proud and it doesn’t deserve pity,” he said in court Friday, according to CNN. He said he hopes that Brown’s family will forgive him for what he called immature, thoughtless and rash decisions.

Brown’s mother said she wanted Przybycien to go to prison.

The prosecution stated that Brown would not have killed herself if not for the help she received from Przybycien. They talked about the suicide before going through with it, CNN reported.

The defense said that Brown ultimately decided to end her own life.

The case led to Utah passing a law this year that makes it illegal for someone to help another person commit suicide, according to CNN.

Przybycien also pleaded guilty to one count of attempted sexual exploitation of a minor. While investigating the suicide, police found child pornography on his cell phone. He was sentenced to five years on the pornography charge that was to run concurrent with his homicide charge, according to CNN.

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