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Man Grabs Cop’s Gun


Franklin, OH – An 39-year-old Oho man was charged with multiple felonies after he assaulted a police officer inside a McDonald’s restaurant.

Chester Nichols Jr. was arraigned in court and charged with assault on a safety officer, a fourth-degree felony; obstructing official business, a fifth-degree felony; and possession of drug abuse instruments, a first-degree misdemeanor, according to the Journal-News.

Franklin Police Officer Patrick Holland responded to a call at 9:33 p.m. Friday to the McDonald’s restaurant to check on a report of a man who may have been overdosing, according to the Journal-News.

Officer Holland arrived and Nichols tried running.

Nichols grabbed Officer Holland’s Taser and holster from his vest and struck the officer several times. He also tried to grab Officer Holland’s gun from his holster, according to Franklin Police Chief Russell Whitman.

Two McDonald’s customers and two Franklin EMS medics also assisted Officer Holland during the struggle.

Nichols was taken to a hospital for medical treatment and was released and then transported to the Warren County jail.

Officer Holland was also taken to the hospital where he was treated for a bruised hand and released, according to the Journal-News.

Police found three syringes and a small off-white substance on Nichols. He was being held on a $25,000 bond, according to the Journal-News. The preliminary hearing was set for 4 p.m. Nov. 27.

After the attack, Officer Holland was able to thank one of the customers that came to his aid. William Roberts, who goes by “Tom,” was one of the customers that helped subdue Nichols.

“I was starting to get to the point where I couldn’t figure out how to get this guy to the ground,” Holland said, according to WLWT. “”I could feel him tugging at my gun and look down and see his hand on my gun.”

Roberts and another customer grabbed Nichols by the leg and were able to bring him to the floor.

“Definitely well-timed,” Holland said, according to WLWT. “We have a lot of great people in Franklin and it showed that night.”

Roberts said he is proud of Officer Holland and does not want to take the credit for jumping in to help, WLWT reported.

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