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Man Arrested For Threatening Mass Shooting Because He’s A Virgin


Provo, UT – Police arrested a Denver man who had been posting threats to commit a mass shooting on social media.

Christopher Wayne Cleary, 27, was already on probation in Jefferson County, Colorado when the Denver Police Department began receiving calls about his Facebook posts on Saturday, KMGH reported.

“All I wanted was a girlfriend, not 1000 not a bunch of hoes not money none of that. All I wanted was to be loved, yet no one cares about me I’m 27 years old and I’ve never had a girlfriend before and I’m still a virgin, this is why I’m planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I’m ready to die and all the girls the turned me down is going to make it right by killing as many girls as I see,” Cleary posted.

He also posted “Theres nothing more dangerous than man ready to die.”

Although court papers showed Cleary with a Denver address, he wasn’t in Colorado anymore when he wrote the messages, KMGH reported.

Police tracked him down in Provo using the IP address from the computer he used to post his threats, but he wasn’t at the apartment complex when officers arrived.

Authorities were especially worried because there were several women’s marches scheduled in the state on Jan. 19, including one taking place in Provo, according to KMGH.

Provo police worked with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and tracked Cleary’s cell phone to a McDonald’s in Provo.

He was taken into custody by an FBI agent and a detective from the Utah County Major Crimes Task Force, KMGH reported.

Court documents showed that Cleary told police that he had written those threats but that he had been upset and not thinking clearly at the time.

He told police that he had written the threats in Provo but deleted them after he had gotten threats for posting it, KMGH reported.

Cleary made suicidal comments, mentioned having a case worker, having taken medication, and suffering from some kind of disorder while he was being interviewed by investigators.

He was arrested by Provo police and charged with one count of threat of terrorism, according to KMGH.

Jefferson County probation officials told Provo police that the threats were pattern behavior from Cleary, who was on probation for felony stalking and threats towards women at the time he posted the messages, court documents revealed.

The probation office planned to seek an extradition warrant for Cleary because the Facebook threats had caused great alarm for a number of law enforcement agencies who believed he was still in their jurisdiction, KMGH reported.

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