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Man Arrested For Sex With Juveniles Writes Bad Checks To Make Bail And It Works


Salt Lake City, UT – A Utah funeral director who was accused of arranging to have sex with a boy and exchanging pornographic images with him is now accused of writing bad checks to make bail.

Lonnie Nyman, 44, is present of the Nyman Funeral Home and was arrested Oct. 30 on a $100,00 warrant and sent to jail, according to KSL.

Nyman wrote two checks on two different credit cards under “Nyman Holdings LLC.,” for $7,000 apiece, according to the police. There was not sufficient funds in Nyman’s account to cover the checks.

“Both checks were meant to be drawn on an account which did not and had not contained sufficient funds to cover either check. These two checks … brought the balance down enough to allow for Lonnie’s bond to be paid to a bondsman, thus allowing Lonnie to perpetuate a scheme to bail out of jail,” according to the police report.

Nyman was arrested again Nov. 20 for investigation of communications fraud, and two counts of issuing a bad check, according to KLS.

Nyman is accused of exchanging nude photos with a youth and then trying to meet up with the boy for sex, according to The Herald Journal.

Nyman was caught when an attorney told police that one of her clients sent her electronic files that may contain child pornography.

Police eventually received evidence that showed allegedly Nyman having sex with unknown males who appeared to be the ages of 15 to 20, according to The Herald Journal. Nyman also used a social media app to message an under-aged youth in March.

When the videos were discovered, Nyman allegedly reached out to the boy to let him know the police may be contacted and asked the boy to lie for him.

Nyman is charged with three counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, four counts of dealing in harmful materials to a minor, witness tampering, obstruction of justice and two counts of enticing a minor, according to KSL.

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