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K9 Deputy Fired After Shooting Aggressive 9-Pound Dog In Viral Video


Conway, AR – A sheriff’s deputy was fired on Saturday for shooting a Chihuahua while responding to a 911 call about an aggressive dog on Friday (video below).

The incident occurred at about 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 4, when Faulkner County sheriff’s deputies responded to a call from a woman in Shiloh Estates about an aggressive dog, KATV reported.

Homeowner Doug Canady told the Arkansas Democrat Gazette that he’d found a woman walking by stopped in front of his house and pointed a gun at him and the dogs.

Canady said he told the woman to put the gun away and the she said she was going to call the police.

Faulkner County K9 Deputy Keenan Wallace was the first officer to arrive on the scene.

A video of the interaction filmed by Canady showed several small dogs yapping while he and Deputy Wallace were talking.

“See how he’s acting right now,” the deputy said after a little dog snarled and barked at him.

Eleven seconds into the video, Deputy Wallace drew his service weapon and, without warning, shot the barking Chihuahua in the face, from about five feet away, as he stood in the driveway.

“Are you f–king kidding me? Are you f–king kidding me? You’re f–king kidding me,” the man exclaimed in the video. “I am going to contact the sheriff.”

The video showed Deputy Wallace began approaching Canady who was standing on his front porch.

“Get off my fucking property,” the man told the deputy in the video.

“I’m telling you to stay right here,” Deputy Wallace said in the video.

Then Canady told someone off camera to call his attorney.

The video showed the dog squealing and rolling around in the background, in obvious pain.

It appeared that Deputy Wallace ignored the wounded animal as he continued to argue with the homeowner in the video.

A second video of the incident that was posted to Twitter an hour later showed the rest of the confrontation between Canady and the deputy.

“I am going to file a complaint. What is your name and badge number?” the homeowner asked Deputy Wallace.

“I thought you weren’t talking to me,” the deputy replied.

“I’m not answering any questions. I’d like your name and badge number for shooting a gun two feet in front of me,” Canady replied, sounding frustrated.

“You’ll get it,” the deputy told him.

“Shooting a dog in my yard, on my property. Discharging a weapon,” Canady continued ranting.

“That’s the reason we’re out here,” another deputy responded in the video.

The video showed Canady then explained to the second deputy that they were there in response to a call from a woman who he said had drawn a gun and pointed it at him on his porch.

The deputy told him they had made contact with the woman and she did have a concealed-carry permit.

“Why don’t you go ahead and put the dog out of its misery?” Canady asked as the little animal continued to wander about the yard, howling and yipping in pain with blood pouring from its face. “It’s still alive!”

The deputy told the homeowner that the other deputy had a right to protect himself, the video showed.

“And the dog’s still walking around suffering. Might need to go back to the shooting range, I don’t know. Because you obviously didn’t kill the dog. You could have shot me,” Canady continued raging.

“That dog has never attacked anyone,” the homeowner informed them. “Can’t shoot a dog two feet in front of him, but he could’ve shot me.”

“Look at this poor thing,” Canady said as the video showed the Chihuahua wandering up to him and the deputies looking for help.

The videos went wildly viral and people immediately responded with outrage with calls to criminally prosecute the deputy.

Canady said he took Reese’s to the veterinarian after he was shot in the jaw by the deputy.

He told the Arkansas Democrat Gazette that he had rescued the dog, whose name is Reese’s, about three years ago.

The dog was in stable condition, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported.

Canady said the other deputy left an animal ordinance violation on his porch chair when they departed.

“It’s never going to go back to normal, but I want it to be rectified,” he said. “This man’s actions should not go unpunished.”

The Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office was quick to respond to allegations of inappropriate use of force.

Faulkner County Sheriff Tim Ryals said investigators had looked into the incident and determined that Deputy Wallace had numerous opportunities to de-escalate the incident without shooting the animal on its owner’s lawn.

“As a result of the incident that occurred on January 4, 2019, in the Shiloh Estates Subdivision, Deputy Keenan Wallace has been relieved of his duties at the Faulkner County Sheriff’ Office,” Sheriff Ryals posted on the department’s official Facebook page on Saturday.

“We in Law Enforcement answer calls every day that require split second life and death decisions. We strive to be right 100 percent of the time,” Sheriff Ryals wrote. “Our Department is saddened about this incident and apologize for any distress and disappointment this incident has caused anyone who was affected by this disheartening event. We will keep Reeses in our thoughts through the recovery process.”

He told FOX News that he did not believe Deputy Wallace had broken any laws by shooting Reese’s, but that he had referred the investigation to the prosecuting attorney’s office for further review.

“I hold my Deputies to the highest of standards to protect and serve the residents of our community. Unfortunately, a deputy fell short to those standards,” Sheriff Ryals said.

The dog in the video was treated for a shattered jaw and is recovering.

Watch the incident unfold in the videos below (WARNING: Graphic Content):

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