
Hunter Biden’s Plea Agreement Falls Apart Because He’s Still Under Investigation


Wilmington, DE – Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal unraveled during his appearance in federal court on Wednesday morning.

President Joe Biden’s son was expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax in exchange for prosecutors dropping a felony gun charge if he were to meet certain court-ordered requirements, NBC News reported.

The weapon offense involved allegations Hunter Biden lied about his drug use on a federal firearms application when he purchased a handgun, The New York Times reported.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) agreed to recommend probation for the two counts of failing to pay his taxes in a timely manner in 2017 and 2018.

During the hearing on Wednesday morning, U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika described the plea deal, which would require Hunter Biden to enter a diversion program, as “unusual,” and said she had “concerns” about the tax charges being linked to the gun offense, CNN reported.

More specifically, Noreika noted the plea deal contained “non-standard terms,” including “broad immunity” from other potential future charges, according to the news outlet.

She asked prosecutors and Hunter Biden’s attorney if additional serious charges could still be filed against the First Son, and both agreed there were not, NBC News reported.

Noreika then asked if the investigation into Hunter Biden was still ongoing, and prosecutors confirmed it was.

They said they could not disclose any further information about the investigation, NBC News reported.

Noreika refused to accept the plea agreement and told both prosecution and defense to file briefs explaining the legal structuring of the deal, according to CNN.

Hunter Biden ultimately entered not guilty pleas.

It is unclear when the next hearing will take place.

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