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Homeowner Shoots Burglar For Second Time


Tulsa, OK – An Oklahoma homeowner shot and killed a home intruder on Tuesday, about five years after he was involved in another home-invasion shooting.

Homeowner Charles Sweeny fatally shot Donald Stovall at about 9 a.m. after confronting the man who broke into his house, according to the Tulsa World.

Sweeny told KOTV that he heard noises coming from his bathroom and that woke him up.

The homeowner said his first thought was that someone had broken into his home. He said he grabbed a pistol he keeps close to him when he sleeps.

He said in about four seconds, the burglar came into view. Sweeny said he shot the man in the chest and then called police.

“I thought my life was in danger,” Sweeny told KOTV . “I shot him and I’ll do it again. He brought this on himself. I have no sympathy.”

Sweeny was outside of his home waiting for police when they arrived.

Five years ago, police were at the scene to a similar home invasion where Sweeny shot and seriously injured one of two burglars who entered his house, according to the Tulsa World.

In the 2013 incident, Sweeny was returning from a walk and saw something amiss with his property. Sweeny confronted the two burglars and shot one of them several times, according to the Tulsa World. According to court records, both burglars pleaded guilty to charges.

Police said residents have a right to defend themselves in their own home.

“If they (residents) feel that there is a danger to themselves or someone else who may be in the home from an intruder, then, yes, they are within their legal rights to defend themselves within their home,” Tulsa Police Captain Karen Tipler said, according to the Tulsa World.

Police are investigating whether Sweeny and Stovall knew each other.

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