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Gov. Scott Tells Police To Investigate ‘Unethical Liberals’ Over Voter Fraud


Tallahassee, FL – Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott filed a lawsuit on Thursday claiming that “unethical liberals” were trying to steal the state’s Senate election.

Gov. Scott also requested the Florida Department of Law Enforcement get involved and look into the ballot counts, which NBC reported have narrowed his lead.

However, the law enforcement agency has said that the Florida Department of State hasn’t received any complaints of criminal activity, according to CNN.

Without a criminal complaint, they will not be investigating.

Scott, who was term-limited as governor, faced three-term incumbent Democratic Senator Bill Nelson in the general election.

The governor has claimed that the Broward County and Palm Beach County supervisors were engaged in “rampant fraud,” according to NBC News.

“Every day since the election the left-wing activists in Broward County have been coming up with more and more ballots out of nowhere,” Scott said, according to NBC.

The race is too close to call and a final count is expected by noon Saturday. There is a likelihood that an automatic recount could be triggered.

“I will not sit idly by while unethical liberals try and steal this election from the great people of Florida,” Scott said, according to NBC.

As of Nov. 8, Scott’s lead was at fewer than 22,000 votes.

The National Republicans Senatorial Committee also filed a lawsuit against both Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and Palm Beach Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher, according to NBC News. Scott said both supervisors have broken federal and state laws by not providing information to officials.

In 2016, a judge ruled that Snipes illegally destroyed ballots from a 2016 Congressional race too soon when those ballots were subject to a lawsuit involving Snipes’ office, according to the Orlando Sun-Sentinel.

Scott also criticized Nelson, who hired a lawyer after the election, according to NBC News.

Scott said Nelson hired the attorney to “try to steal the election and try to thwart the will of the voters of Florida,” NBC News reported.

Nelson said on Twitter that Scott’s actions were “desperate.”

“The goal here is to see that all the votes in Florida are counted and counted accurately,” Nelson wrote on Twitter. “Rick Scott’s action appears to be politically motivated and borne out of desperation.”

President Donald Trump also got involved.

A judge ruled on Friday that there has “been a violation of the Florida constitution,” by Broward County’s Supervisor of Elections for not allowing Republicans access to voter records and ordered that they be given access.

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