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Firefighter’s FB Posts Promote Executing Police, Terrorizing Officers’ Families


Baltimore, MD – A 20-year veteran of the Baltimore City Fire Department has become the subject of an internal investigation, after he made a comment on social media supporting the execution of police officers and encouraging attacks on police families.

Baltimore City Firefighter Jamal Brown said his comment was taken out of context, WJZ reported.

The now-viral Facebook post featured a photo of a police officer standing in front of his patrol car with his hands at his sides, facing an assailant who was holding a gun inches from the officer’s face.

Behind the officer stood a second attacker, who pointing his gun to the back of the officer’s skull.

“Does it Have to come to this to make Them Stop Murdering and Terrorizing Us?” the image read.

The veteran firefighter chimed in that he agreed with the post, then suggested that the families of law enforcement officers should also be attacked.

“Yes. We will also have to brutalize there family, people and love ones the same way they do ours,” Brown wrote.

Many social media users blasted Brown for his comment – especially considering the fact that he is a public servant who has worked alongside police officers for the past two decades.

Screenshots of the post went viral, drawing the attention of fire department officials who have since opened an investigation into the incident, the firefighter’ union president confirmed, according to WJZ.

Brown claimed that his comment has been blown out of proportion.

“My intent, it wasn’t malicious at all. It was just, I replied to a post and it was taken completely out of character,” Brown told WJZ in an interview.

“I apologize for offending anyone that was offended,” he added.

Brown did not say what he intended to accomplish by posting the comment, and did not offer an explanation regarding how he believed his words were misconstrued.

Social media users also criticized Brown for a Nov. 6 post where he appeared to support erroneous claims that only police kill black people.

“We work hand-in-hand with the Baltimore City police department,” he told WJZ. “We are co-workers. We may work in different departments, but we are co-workers.”

Baltimore City Fire Department spokesperson Blair Skinner said that Brown’s comment is not indicative of the beliefs of the department or its members.

“Our men and women of the Baltimore City Fire Department and the Baltimore City Police Department, we are all brothers and sisters in blue and we are public servants here to serve the city of Baltimore,” Baltimore City Fire Department spokesperson Blair Skinner told WJZ.

Brown remains employed pending the outcome of the investigation.

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