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FBI Tries To Lock Up Possible Future Mass Shooter Who Hasn’t Shot Anybody Yet


Detroit, MI – The FBI is trying to lock up a man who has committed no serious crimes but law enforcement believes fits the profile of a mass shooter.

A 25-year-old man from the Detroit area was arrested and faces federal charges for lying on a credit card application to purchase weapons, according to WDIV.

The TV station did not identify the 25-year-old man but instead just identified him as “Mathew.”

The suspect had photos on his electronic devices of mass shooters and called Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock a “hero.”

Mathew was charged in federal court with making false statements, according to Hank Moon, the assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan.

Moon said Mathew used two credit cards to purchase an assault rifle, several handguns, a binary trigger and several 40-round high-capacity magazines. Moon said that a binary trigger is only used to ensure that an assault rifle will fire quicker than designed by the manufacturer, according to WDIV.

When Mathew purchased the assault rifle, he asked the gun store employee how he could convert that AR-15 to full automatic, according to Moon.

The guns were purchased legally, but Mathew scared those involved in the transaction. A neighbor and a gun store employee contracted authorities, according to WDIV.

The FBI raided Mathew’s residence and kicked in his door and confiscated guns, phone and a computer, according to WDIV.

Moon said Mathew had three photos of the Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho and another photo of Columbine shooter Eric Harris. Moon said in court that Mathew was posting on social media about his dissatisfaction with his surroundings, how people have completely destroyed his soul and annihilated his conscience, WDIV reported.

Mathew wrote that he was angry and hated the world. The suspect also said that Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh makes a lot of sense and that the Virginia Tech shooter had a “way with words.” Mathew described the Las Vegas shooter as a “hero” and a “bada*s.”

Moon added that the suspect also said there were black people who took jobs that he thought were his. Mathew posted about bring guns to work and that he always had at least two guns on him and added, “I’m not getting that close to black people without some protection,” according to WDIV.

Police also checked Mathew’s searches on Google and then decided to take him into custody. Mathew had searched the terms, “the Pulse Night Club” which was a mass shooting in Orlando, according to Moon.

He then searched Ann Arbor night clubs after the Pulse Night Club search. He then searched Columbine High School and then searched “Howell Michigan High School.”

Mathew also searched the phrases, “How long do police take to respond to an active shooter?” “Police respond to Columbine” and “Can social rejection lead you to kill somebody?”

“I mean, when we talk about red flags, your honor, these are literally staring us in the face,” Moon told the judge in federal court.

Mathew was locked up pending a trial for lying on his credit card application. He is also having a medical evaluation done.

“His determination was that the defendant was mentally ill, and he diagnosed the defendant with acute homicidality,” Moon said in court,according to WDIV. “The defendant repeatedly brought the conversation with his mental health provider back to guns and getting his guns back. He mentioned moving out of state at one point. He told the mental health provider that he would have to become a criminal and obtain guns illegally if he couldn’t get his back legally. The next day, a psychiatrist examined the defendant and determined he is mentally ill. He diagnosed the defendant with depressive disorder.”

Three weeks ago, Mathew pleaded guilty to wire fraud and was sentence to probation with no jail time.

WDIV contacted Mathew at his father’s house. He has to report to a probation officer. He is no longer allowed to own weapons because he is a convicted felon.

His communication on the internet is monitored by law enforcement agencies for the next five years.

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