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FB Says Cop’s Post About Cop-Killer Didn’t Violate Policy, But He’s Still Banned


Menlo Park, CA – Facebook has responded to a deputy’s appeal to un-ban him for calling out a cop-killer’s immigration status. In their response, the social media company apologized and noted that the deputy didn’t violate policy. However, the deputy is still suspended from Facebook.

Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, fatally shot Cpl. Singh during a predawn traffic stop on Wednesday, leading to a massive multiagency manhunt. He was captured Friday morning.

Arriaga is an illegal immigrant, has self-promoted his status as a member of the Sureno street gang, and has two prior drunk driving convictions in Madera County, Sheriff Christianson said.

“This suspect, unlike Ron – who immigrated to this country lawfully and legally to pursue his lifelong career of public safety, public service and being a police officer – this suspect is in our country illegally. He doesn’t belong here. He’s a criminal,” Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said during a press conference on Thursday afternoon.

On Saturday, we reported that the deputy, whom I personally know, was suspended for calling Corporal Ronil Singh’s killer an “illegal immigrant.” Facebook cited their policy against hate speech, and gave him the chance to appeal.

The deputy appealed, and in response, Facebook said, “We’re sorry we got this wrong. We reviewed your photo again and it does follow our Community Standards. We appreciate you taking the time to request a review. Your feedback helps us do better.”

However, the deputy’s account remains suspended, his post was never restored, and he has been given no further explanation.

Other users also reported Facebook taking down posts about Arriaga’s immigration status.

Facebook user Dana Marie says that she didn’t even post a picture of the killer when she got flagged for “hate speech.” Dana posted images of Corporal Singh and his family, with the text: “This is officer Singh. He was killed by an ILLEGAL ALIEN 5 hours after he took this picture with this beautiful wife, baby and k9! This is precisely why we need to #buildthatwall! RIP hero”

“Illegal alien” is the official term used by the U.S. government since the Reagan administration to describe people who are in the country illegally.

The owner of Warrior 12, a patriotic apparel company, told Blue Lives Matter that he was outraged that Facebook was removing objective facts about the killer.

Disclosure: Warrior 12 sells all official Blue Lives Matter gear and the proceeds help fund Blue Lives Matter’s operating costs.

Warrior 12 owner Joseph Murphy said that he founded his company while working as a police officer in a sanctuary jurisdiction, and has seen the effect of sanctuary policies firsthand.

Murphy has offered a free gift card to anybody whose post was removed by Facebook for telling the truth about Arriaga’s immigration status.

“If enough of us act, there will be no hiding the fact that Corporal Singh would be alive if not for this illegal alien,” Murphy told Blue Lives Matter.

Murphy says that in the past day, he has given out ten gift cards to people who have had their posts about Arriaga removed by Facebook, and he plans to give out more.

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